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Working Life

The Cariboo

The Journey

Displaced People: Native Canadians

Early 1858, the Fraser River Valley Population was 800

Late 1858 gold found, the Population rose to 30,000

By the end of the gold rush the population fell to 10, 000


American Annexation

British Columbia

United Province of Canada

-Many forts scattered through the colony. -Fraser River settlement at the peak of the Gold Rush in 1859 had 30 000 people. -Small towns like Victoria. Pre Gold Rush only 800 people.

-Established cities with large populations like Montreal with 107 225 people and Toronto with 30, 000 people (1861). -The population would have had a closer ratio between men and women. -Large French speaking population located in Canada East.

-During the years of the Gold Rush, the population would have been mainly men. Many from America.

-Settlement developed among the St Lawrence River to the Great Lakes. This is an example of linear settlement. -Primary Industry: Farming and forestry

-Towns were created around gold findings. Example Barkerville.

-Main industry mining.

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