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Scott 1/16/12

Terumah 2013
This parshah, Terumah/Contribution covering Exodus 25:1-27:19 not only deals with the instructions for the building of the Mishkan/Tabernacle, but also prepares us for the upcoming festival of Purim! Because of the complex nature of the Word of Yahweh, there are themes that can be found running from Genesis to Revelation, and each portion becomes an enhanced view of one of those themes with the festivals acting as a second witness emphasizing the thought! Yet what does the building of the Tabernacle have to do with the time of Purim? Within this portion, the clues are given that reveal how a people in captivity would be able to once again build a dwelling place for Yahweh! (*Notice the repetition coming out of Egypt to build the Tabernacle, coming out of Persia/Babylon to rebuild the Temple, coming from the 4 corners of the world in preparation to build His dwelling place!) Exodus 25:1-2

Dabar el-beni Yisrael veyiqchu-li terumah meet kol-ish asher yidevenu libbo tiqchu et-terumah. *Total gematria of this verse = 5, 045 = 5 + 0 + 4 + 5 = 14, Purim is the 14th of Adar! Offering: Strongs #8641 teruwmah contribution, offering; from #7311 ruwm 1 )to rise, rise up, be high, lofty, exalted 2) to be rotten, wormy; cognate of #8649 tormah treachery, fraud, deceit, delusion The difference between the two is that teruwmah has the its interesting to note that the hooks in the Tabernacle were called Vavs ( )and the curtains were hung upon it. Curtain: Strongs #3407 yeriyah curtain, drape; from #3415 yara to tremble, quiver, attached to this is the shortened form of Yahweh. The difference between the two (between one who approaches to give their offering willingly and the one who approaches in deceit/treachery) is that one has the fear of Yahweh and one does not! Gematria of yara = 280, same as bull, also can mean fruit of the lips *To approach in treachery with no fear is connected with our words! Remember this is dealing with the absence of the every Torah Scroll is written fashioned after the Tabernacle, each parchment sheet is a yeriah 1

(curtain), the words are written in a column like the amud/posts of the Tabernacle, and the letter starts each column hooking the text to the page. The absence of the is an indicator that the words of Torah have not been attached/hooked to the mouth! Zephaniah 3:13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful (tormah) tongue be found in their mouth. this is connected to the promise of the restoration of a pure language in Zeph. 3:9 which just so happens to be connected to bringing an offering as well (Zeph. 3:10 the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.)! There seems to be a definite connection between the restoration of this pure language which is the vessel that carries the words of the Torah and our ability to bring the offering/build the Tabernacle lest we approach in deceit!

Connections to Purim
Yet what does this have to do with Purim? Purim = Fruit of the lips; = Yam/sea (representing a washing/cleansing); & inserted in the middle is the !Purim represents the washing and cleansing of our words (fruit of our lips) by the man/Messiah its the mikveh that would allow the dispersed to bring the offering! *This was to enable them to once again build the house of YHVH instead of dwelling in the palace of a foreign ruler/husband. One of the descriptions given of this palace was that it had a pavement of red marble (Est. 1:6) Red: Strongs #923 behat a costly stone, red marble; same letters form #981 batah to speak rashly, angrily, to babble, speak thoughtlessly, to talk idly Gematria = 16, there are also 16 words here in Exodus 25:2 concerning the instruction to bring the teruwmah/offering! Purim is our reminder that our words affect the teruwmah/offering and an opportunity to have the fruit of our lips cleansed, because to be one who speaks thoughtlessly/angrily/idly/or babbles is an indicator that weve been busy building the house of another instead of the Miskan/Tabernacle! This pattern continues to unfold in Esther 4:16 Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which [is] not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. Fast: Strongs #6684 tsuwm to abstain from food, to fast Gematria = 136; same as qowl (#6963) voice & same as nuwph (#5130) to move to and fro, to wave, sprinkle its a verb used in connection with the waving of the offering (teruwmah). 2

Purim is associated with your voice being lifted up and waved as the terumah/offering! Remember, the teruwmah builds the dwelling place of Yahweh, Psalm 22:3 But thou [art] holy, [O thou] that inhabitest the praises of Israel. They were to offer up their voice/praise in the face of destruction at the hand of Haman (a shadow picture of the Bride in the end days as well who will face a future Haman). Haman: Strongs #2001 Haman magnificent, also connected to the ancient name of the planet mercury whose astronomical sign is:

- a symbol with horns, much like the little horn of Daniel! The particular pagan deity its named after was also known as Nabu to the Assyrians and Babylonians the god of wisdom and writing! Hmm, isnt it interesting that the feast of Purim and this parshah are dealing with our words being purified (the restoration of a pure language both in writing and speech) and the opposition is associated with the same a counterfeit tongue/writing to compromise the bride! Remember that bringing your offering is also associated with having a fear of Yahweh, Psalm 111:10 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom; Haman/antimessiah offer a false wisdom as well! *Haman is a cognate of #1995 hamown murmur, roar, tumult, sound; from #1993 hamah murmur, growl, rage, make noise or tumult, be clamorous or loud; Proverbs 7:11 She [is] loud (hamah) and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: Could it be that those who dont allow the to be connected to their mouths (the Torah, the pure language) become caught up in the noise/tumult/rage of this little horn and instead of building the Tabernacle, keep not in their own house yet become like this woman in Proverbs? Remember that Purim falls on the 14th of Adar, theres an interesting connection to Passover as well which falls on the 14th of Nisan when the lamb arrives reminding us of the need to cleanse our lips at Purim in order to bring the offering and be made one with the lamb/Messiah at Pesach! *The phrase the fear of the LORD occurs 14 times in Proverbs its the fear (yare) of Yahweh thats part of the difference between one who approaches to bring a terumah/offering and one who approaches in deceit and treachery! Purim teaches us the fear of Yahweh! *There are also 3 sets of 14 generations in the genealogy of Yeshua (from Abraham to King David 14, from King David to King Josiah 14, 3

and then from King Josiah to Joseph 14 generations). Notice 14 generations from King Josiah, who is seen as the last righteous king of Judah before Israel was invaded by Babylon and entered captivity until the Messiah would come! Josiah: Strongs #2977 Yoshiyah whom Yahweh heals; also etymologically connected to #801 ishshah fire offering, burnt offering Is this hinting at a group of captives once again being allowed to bring an offering? And this leads up to the Messiah tabernacling/dwelling among them! Sounds just like this portion! *The number 14 is used 22 times in the Bible another connection to the pure language! Purim becomes the key that unlocks our understanding of this parshah Terumah! This parshah is all about a group coming out of captivity (in Egypt) to build the Mishkan/Tabernacle. There is the potential to approach 2 ways those who have the fear of Yahweh understand that our ability to build is based upon the fruit of our lips. Purim and its association with 14 (14th of Adar) reminds us of the time frame from captivity (when our tongues are full of deceit) to when we are able to dwell echad with our Husband! While in captivity, the Bride in the book of Esther, dwelled at the palace in Shushan: Strongs #7800 Shuwshan lily; from #7797 suws to exult, rejoice; = six, inserted in the middle is the 6 = ,attached to the end is the = to diminish while in Shushan they were part of making the man diminished/made small, yet the whole time while in captivity they are still reminded of who they belong to the connection to the lilies! Song of Songs 5:13 his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh. Sweet Smelling: Strongs #5674 abar to pass over/by/through, to cross over, to cross a stream; root of the term Hebrew Myrrh: Strongs #4753 more bitter *The Vav Man/Messiah spoke forth words that would enable His adulterous bride, who had compromised in the house of another, to be able to cross through the bitter waters! This was the promise while in captivity, and the goal of returning was to build the Mishkan/Tabernacle for the 2 to dwell together yet the choice of the 2 words/2 seedlines is present (Haman)! Esther becomes the main shadow picture of the Bride in the saga of Purim, but her name was originally Hadassah. Hadassah: Strongs #1919 Hadaccah myrtle; from #1918 hadac myrtle; the myrtle is one of the 4 plants used at Sukkot comprising the 4 4

myrrh; from #4843 marar

to be

species. In other words connecting her as one who has access to the sukkah! Gematria = 74, same value as lamad to teach, to learn, to exercise in the ones who have access to the mishkan/sukkah are those that are teachable! What are they being taught? *Psalms 34:11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of Yahweh. Esther: Strongs #635 Ecter star; = I will & #5641) = )hide, conceal I will hide or conceal; gematria = 661, same as #8642 teruwmiyah portion, contribution; from #8641 teruwmah! *I will hide (in my sukkah/Miskhan/Tabernacle) the teachable one who has the fear of Yahweh and brings the terumah/offering! Those who would bring the offering were told to do so with a willing heart. Willing: Strongs #5068 nadab to incite, impel, make willing *Its the root of the name of one of Aarons sons (Nadab) who actually chose to lift up strange fire/strange offering instead of lifting up the terumah that would build the house! Nadab is killed off (along with his brother Abihu). But a connection to another son is actually hidden here as well! Terumah 651 = ,same value as Ithamar! Ithamar: Strongs #385 Iythamar coast of palms; the palm tree is another one of the 4 types of plants used at Sukkot to make the four species, also used as part of the decoration in the Temple. Psalms 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree Flourish: Strongs #6524 parach to bud, sprout, bloom; = fruit of our lips & = fence, in paleo looks like a ladder or DNA helix *Ithamar the upright one flourishes in the Mishkan because his words are the DNA of Yahweh, he speaks forth the Torah/Word! Nadab on the other hand did not! = root of niddah (ceremonially/spiritually unclean) & = root of dabar/word His words were niddah therefore his offering was compromised because he approached in deceit/treachery, and lacking the fear of Elohim!

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