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Chinese Beef Steak with BBQ Sauce

Main ingredient: Side ingredient: Marinate Ingredients Salt Soda Bicarbonate Sugar MSG Soya sauce Egg Potato flour Sauce Ingredients: Tomato sauce Steak sauce BBQ sauce Sugar Potato flour

Method: 1. Heat wok and cook the beef sirloin strips 2. Wash wok, add 200ml of water and seasoning. After it boils, add the cooked beef and stir evenly.




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1 1

250g beef sirloin strips 50g onion slices 1 teaspoon 1g teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon One tablespoon 2 tablespoons 1 spoon 1 spoon 1 spoon tablespoon

Recipe by Chef Li Gongba

(Serves 4/ 4

2 1 1 1

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