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MIDTERM DRILL Here it is, please read carefully and dont forget to have fun! 1 .

Your task is to reverse engineer uwt.exe to know how to disable task manager, command prompt, Registry editor and autorun of flashdrives from the system, record your findings, and then create a batch file named disableSystem.bat that allows you to automate the 1st task. Create another batch file that reverses the effect of disableSystem.bat, so reversing its effects is also automated, disableSystem.bat must print SYSTEM LOCKED by <yourname> in RED color after it executes, and SYSTEM UNLOCKED by <yourname> in Green Color after it executes, saved batch files to IT33 Folder from the desktop (20 pts) 2. Create a batch file named searchtool.bat that allows the user to search for a file given from the commandline (see sample below) , this batch file will also record its output in a file (also specified by the user), the batch file must start it search from the root directory, save batch file to it33 directory from the desktop (15 pts) Sample output: The example below lets the user search for a file named hunger games.avi from root directory of C And all its subdirectories, then saves the output of the search to result.txt C:\Users\user \desktop>searchtool.bat C hunger games.avi result.txt Another example below lets the user search for a file named project.doc from root directory of drive F and all its subdirectories, then saves the output of the search to nanyare.txt C:\Users\user \desktop>searchtool.bat F project.doc nanyare.txt

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