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By Matthew Y.
Resting my arms on my chest I leaned against the tender shoots of the grass Bursting from the ground as sprouts The clouds drift above carried by the winds of change And the sun stares upon the sky, Giving the hue a pinkish tint Oh, why did the world have to be so blue Please, take me up there with you So I could see the world from a birds eye view As the cool spring breeze blows, For a second of my life I thought I knew, What it was to be free. Laying my head back upon the grass, I began to stare at the clouds Longing to know what lay above the blanket of white Soaring upon the wind, I dreamed of a distant utopia Laden with blue and green and endlessly bright With the wind and the clouds breathing beside it And all too soon, the dream dissipated And I was left with reality once again Oh, how the sky was so blue Wishing to belong there once again I opened my eyes, And your face was smiling before me, Little crinkles of light shining past your hair

As you sat down next to me. So then I turned my gaze to the sky above, And found to be true The sky was as blue here as well Years from now as I move on from the past And into the future A happiness is formed around a single thoughtThat where I am now cant be a better place to be.

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