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C hear Gib ie ESRI) A ‘Tym Law op Periomenry v ag ets te alan Ef a et ech etd Pe eee ae be, shyt fatal see Bas oceee a 4 a |A Recommendation to the Reader _ ete i ren tr cee pli ck, yh ie nso INTRODUCTION ‘eis a pléasre to say few words to the readers of this book and perhaps prepare them for the reat teat that & in store for them, “The system presented in the following pages 18 ‘» unigne, 0 storing, and yet so surprising'y ‘useful th & very dependable way that I feel that ‘each real will want to Know a Bite about the Crigin of the system and ts past wee. “Those who have read the author's helpfl book, cntitled, Rosicruolon Principles forthe Home ated Basiness, will ecall that practically every page of that book identified Dr, Lows withthe intinate, inner activites of many lange corporations and Dsiness organizations. In fat, that hook revealed the secret of the former Ifowork of Dr. Lewis befoce he left the busines feld and devoted himsel almost exclusively to the direction of the afals of fhe Rosiorclan Order in North Ameria. Those cf us who were anquainted with him and who (or ce familiar with his past Me reacly understand what was meant when Arthur Stilwell, the former Present of many nancial intttions and one of the foremost builders of raiveads in Ameria, sai HL, Spencer Lewis has boon the real ‘silent part- er and secret adviser in more big business propo- fitios in America thao any other living man.” ven to this very day 1929] with his many actvis ties in connection with the Resiorucan Orde, be 4s consulted by long distance tlepione feom all arts of America, and by tolograms and leters from boards of directors and presidents ofcorpora- tons, aking for one of hi strange and always de- pendable decisions in regard to some contemplated ‘action ce some problem that presents two phases, ‘bv0 solutions, otro possible lines of action. For over twenty yearé the question has been, ‘asked thousands of tines by as many business men, “What peculiar system or method does this man ‘se which enables im to tell us what we should oor what we should not do, and when and how ‘we should procead in our business affais?” Te was ‘nota prey sells motive that caused Dr, Levis to keep to himself, inthis country the secret of 91 with THE crouEs OF LIFE his ystem, and use tt help those who consulted him, While large foes bave been paid to him for his servcos-and even today he is the secipient of shares of interests unanimously vote to him by Corporations, boards of dioctors, and individuals fv cesl of hie deinite assistance in crac Hes “TT have known of hundzeds of instances wherein bo had gladly and wholeheartedly gven his advice sod help without fee, and without any prot pect of remuneration of any kind. But the use of this systom was his business and he had neither the time nor the inclination to establish « school fr private class for the teaching and imparation of his system to others. “tho tine has come, however, when be feels that his services tothe organization shout occupy mest ‘ot his ime, and that bis aterests in othe big busi ness propositions are sufilently varied and soo costal t require no additions thereto, Therefor, be as decided to rllnguish his system and ghe it o the world in auch form that every man and ‘every woman, young or ob, in business or out of mt tosness, may use some part oft to bring greater ‘succes, prosperity, and appines into ther lives. ihnd so the system has been seduced to words, hart, and diagrams, T marveled at the funda rental explanations ooataned in the Srst fow Chapters of his manaserit. What a world of sin~ lst is revealed inthe Cosmic laws manifesting hough the strange eyeles of vibrations. The fist fow chapters are worthy of a book printed in oF and bound in rarest metals. These alone ‘would bring to any business man or woman the ‘necessary key for the understanding ofthe peculiae fuctuations, changes and unexpected ocourrencos that ase inal personal and business afar, and that bring problems, trials, and tibulations of pave concern. To know why thse things occur od that there isa perioleity to them and that they are not by mere chance or coinekienoe, i to remave them from the category ofthe unknow able which torments the life and soul of every Dosiness man and woman “tho chapters which fllow, and which reveal fact that man asa fee agent can become tho master of his fato and the director of his destiny, ut ace chapters that will become a nomument to the any marvelous contributions this author bas rade to furan welfare, Tho words in these he fers will bocome the agoncy forthe breaking of the chins and feiters which have enslaved tho ‘nds of petsons and held them inthe bondage of riscomptebension regarding the events of theit ives and the posstaites that He dormant within thee own beings “To have all ofthis followed by the many chap- ters that explain in detail the various oyeles and Deveds of condions which alfeet our personal Fed busines airs, ovr health our plasures, ott hopes, and ambitions, i to have aided to the eles treasury of the carly chaps a vertable asat of rare jewels, As I tested the eyes and ‘he periodical effects in a review of ry own Kio for the past tem yews, I saw before me a map of all that {had pessed though and a well

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