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Structure of the Ear 1. External ear- is composed of the pinna, a large fold of skin and cartilage at both sides of the head. External auditory meatus- the hole of the ear that lies at the center of the pinna and averages about 7mm in diameter in adults. Eardrum- membranous diaphragm. Sounds- are successive compression and rare factions of air called sound waves. Tympanic membrane- transmitted as vibrations. Air filled cavity- malleus, incus and stapes of the inner ear

2. Middle ear- (impedance matching) protects the inner ear from very intense sounds and amplifies sound waves in the process. 3. Inner ear- is a spiral tubular structure filled with auditory fluid called cochlea. Cochlear partition- divides cochlea tube into the scala vestibule and the scale tympani. Hair cells-(sound receptor) hair-like parts extending upward to tympanic canal.

Auditory Stimulation Ultrasonic and subsonic sound- cannot be heard sound. Components of Auditory Stimulation Pitch Intensity

Exposure deafness- too much exposure to loud sounds.

Touch-the sense that occurs in all body parts. Meissners corpuscle- the mechanism that give rise to the sense of touch.

Pacinian corpuscle- large capsulated nerve endings sensitive to deep pressure

Tactile stimulation- includes activating of nerve signal beneath the skins surface that inform the body of texture, temperature and other sensation.

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