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Discharge Planning

Medication 1. Co-Amoxiclav 625 mg PO every 8 hours for 5 days 2. Arcoxia 120 mg PO OD for 5 days 3. Serc 16 mg PO x5 days

Environment/Exercise Instruct patient to stay in calm, quiet environment. Home environment must be free from slipping or accident hazards. Reinforce the need to continue exercises at home but avoid extreme activities.

Treatment Continue home medications. For the follow-up check-up repeat.

Health Teachings Explain the underlying disorder and treatment plan. Lifestyle change (proper food preference) General health measures (adequate sleep, proper diet, and maintaining aclean surrounding). Review with the patient and family proper care techniques for wounds and lacerations.

Discuss the recommended activity level, and explain rehabilitative exercises. Teach the patient and family to recognize symptoms of infection or a deteriorating level of consciousness, and stress the need to contact the physician if such signs or symptoms appear. Teach the patient the purpose, dosage, schedule, precautions, and potential side effects, interactions, and adverse reactions of all prescribed medications. Review with the patient and family all follow-up appointments that have been arranged. Review with the patient and family information regarding the use of safety restraints.

Out Patient Patient will be advised to go back in the hospital in a specific date to have a follow-up check up after discharge. Consult doctor for are any problems or complications encountered.

Diet Diet as tolerated

Spiritual Nursing actions to help clients meet their spiritual needs include: Providing presence Supporting religious practices Referring client for spiritual counseling

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