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Topic B: Choose an issue of importance to you - personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope explain the significance

e to you, your family, your community, or your generation. A very important topic to me is human trafficking. Did you know poverty plays an important role in The Sex Slave Trade? The Sex Slave Trade involves AIDS, Human Rights Violations, Violence, and Women. Poverty is the main reason Sex Slave Trade occurs because most families around South East Asia are poor. In this paper you will understand the reasons why children should be freed from Sex Slave Trade. AIDS have gone around for centuries because many people are not protected while having sex. AIDS contribute in the Sex Slave Trade because women are forced or more likely raped by a man who has AIDS. Virgins are in particular demanded by men with AIDS because of a legend that they can be cured by having sex with a virgin. People who have AIDS cannot be cured because there is no such treatment yet discovered that can cure AIDS. By having more sex while already sick becomes very deadly, many of these victims die before they reach 20. Human Rights Violations also contribute in The Sex Slave Trade. As said in the United States and many parts around the world humans have rights that cannot be taken away, when the sex slave trade occurs these rights are broken. Meaning that sex traffickers break the laws and the human rights as well taking away peoples freedom. This is a very unfair life that sex slaves have to get used to and accomplish do to other major things that can happen to them. Violence is a major use in the sex slave trade that is also illegal. When traffickers kidnap their next victim they make them suffer go through too much pain in this process there is use of too much violence sometimes the girls are electrocuted just to see them suffer. This is an unfair way to treat a human. I believe that we should live in a community where there is no violation of human right where we can seek peace and enjoy a nice walk without fearing that that might be the last walk we ever take. I want my family like any other family to be safe and for any other families to be safe as well because it is a big issue that needs to be addressed. My generation and the generations to come should not be afraid of walking outside or exploring the world.

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