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In the unspoken need of the heart ~ Kindness is a conversion. If you see someone who needs to be helped, help them!

If you see something that needs to be done, do it! If you see something that needs to be changed, go change it! We must be reservoirs that pour out ~ continually giving to the world.

Great leaders are great servers so serve your god, serve your family, and serve your community. Youre always responsible for the effort. 100% into the effort and the outcome is in Gods hands. Be beacons with your light shining with the love of Jesus, be channels of his peace, instruments of his love for all the days of your life.

Always be his hands, his heart, his feet, and his mouth. Let other people see Jesus Christ through your eyes.

The most important lesson in life you learn ~ is how to love Jesus Christ. So each morning, pray to Jesus: Help others to meet you when they meet me. Remember to share your Love ~ Love ~ Love

The only thing that you will ever take with you when you leave this world is what you give away. Always remember ~ God shows you the way. He will be with you until the end of time.

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