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Purpose: to provide electric power supply to Bicol University system assuming all campuses is situated in one location: Determine

and design the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. Total connected load Monthly average load Power plant location (justify its location) Equipment layout (justify its location) Equipment rating (major and auxiliary- show the required computation) System design (lube oil system, fuel oil system, cooling tower system, instrumentation and central machine foundation layout and computation). Show value and pipeline connections auxiliaries layout etc., to completely show the arrangement of a typical diesel engine power plant. G. Economic aspect of the design, show: a. Cost of fuel and lube oil b. Cost of labor c. Cost of water (cooling tower and maintenance) d. Maintenance and operating cost e. Pricing cost (cost of electricity to produce charging price) f. Assume building cost and other expenses, e.g. overhead crane, etc. H. Recommendation (as regard to the planned eff. Of the power plant cost effectiveness of the plant, savings if any. Note: 1. Drawings and layout shall be made on short bond paper 2. Load survey, computations, explanations and justifications including manufacturers manual, technical specifications, operations manual and maintenance guide/ manual shall be written in short bond paper.

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