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The People

Upper class Mexicans will not dirty their hands with tasks they find beneath them. A macho attitude is something Mexican males are born with.

Personal pride and individualism are highly valued, as are character and breeding. People want to have affluence and social position. Human appearance and a human relationship are very important to them

Meeting and Greeting

Shake hands or give a slight bow when they are introduced to someone.

Shake hands with everyone present men, women and children at a business or social meeting. Shake hands again when leaving. Men may embrace each other when meeting (friends and family only). Women may kiss each other on the cheek and embrace.

Chinese people are deeply rotted in there society and family and they organize parties good. Young people in china are now modernizing. Older people are highly more respected . Chinese people may bow or nod for a greating or sometimes just shake hands. If its a grop of people greeting you they may applause for you.

Body Mexicans stand together to Language one anioother whuile talking; and standing apart is considered rude. Corporat e Culture
Negotiations move slowly. A promise does not mean that your request will be carried out. Mexicans prefer to do business in person

The spain people never touch hug or back slap a Spaniard you do not know well unless a friendly Spaniard touches you first. They dont do meetings seriously but they expect you to be on time.

Helpful Hints

Any attempt to speak Spanish is appreciated by your Mexican counterparts and is seen as a gesture of goodwill. Mexicans are very proud of their independence and have a very strong sense of

You will be interrupted when speaking. You always have to be patient nothing is done in a hurry.

The Chinese people dislike being touched by a stranger. You never do any body language. Being late for business is considered rude. There business cards are always to be exchanged during meeting. The highest ranking person always enters first. Chinese people always find no difficult to say they may say maybe or well see. They show respect to older

Jonathan Hueso and Jose samaniego Period. 1 2-12-13 Cultural Etiquette What is cultural etiquette? Its the tradition between two people that discuss.

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