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February 2013 A Message of Love

Some say we are responsible for those we love. Others know we are responsible for those who love us.
Nikki Giovanni

February 2013

Marcel Deans Head of School Claubentz Dieujuste Asst. Head of School Sean Harrell Assoc. Head of School Operations/Programs Kerry Ann Elliott Assoc. Head of School Instruction Athena Fliakos Dir. of Communications/ Development Jamali Moses Dir.of Community. Affairs Jolon Shields Dir.of School Culture Craig Knight Dir.of School Culture Catherine Anderson Coordinator of YouthDevelopment Jennifer Torre Payroll Secretary Bobby Ware Procurement Officer Detria Glover PTA President

Dear Victory Families and Community, In this more stressful time in our world, and in our communities, there may be students who are the subject of more teasing or harassment from other students because of real, perceived, or even invented "differences" which give the perpetrators an opportunity to inappropriately "vent" or displace their frustration. We need to interrupt these patterns when they happen. We believe strongly that it is our role to educate young people, not only around academic pursuits, but also how we need to interact with each other on a social level-it is how we take on our commitment and responsibility for those who love us, here at Victory. This past week, our 9th graders have been spending time exploring this work through the Respect for All learning module in advisory classes. Through some FEMA funding, the campus has been provided with additional counselors through the Project Hope organization. They will, in addition to leading the Respect for All initiative, work full time on campus to provide counseling, primarily through the arts, for our community in the wake of Super Storm Sandy. I have charged our counselor to work with our population on exploring our relationships/interactions with one another through a study of contemporary play rights. My hope is that, over the next few months, we will be able to showcase our students work, as well as their theatrical talents, at an evening event-bringing families together for a community gathering (as we missed our normal thanksgiving gathering due to its date falling so closely to Sandy). In town meeting this month, we are spending time discussing the ills that continue to face urban communities, in particular, African American communities-keeping in line with the fact that this is black history month. We are doing this work through the lens of black male incarceration-looking at how the absence of males in the community impact children.women.families for generations. My goal is to utilize these teachable moments in helping our youngsters gain perspective and the understanding that there are tangible steps we can take to impact our communities, above and beyond, community give back days..that our own personal decisions, from even an early age, can help to quell the discord that male absence perpetuates today. In addition, our teachers are steady preparing for our Spring Intensives period. As always, intensives will ask students to utilize this time to delve deeper into the realm of real life work. For example, the 10th grade will be analyzing the question, How a lack of compassion has led to death and destruction in our global society in the 20th century. They will then develop strategies as to how these issues could have been resolved, leading to an examination of how issues they face, on a day to day basis, can be resolved through compassionate acts. As always, if you are able to help out/spend time with us during this time period, please just let us know. The 10th and 11th grade intensives begin March 4th. I cant wait! I look forward to re-connecting with everyone next month at parent conferences

6565 Flatlands Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11236 Phone: (718) 968-1530 Fax: 718 968-1526 Email:

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