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Matters arising in their days

Showed great interest in their names
Representing their people's says
Made them the antagonist of their days
Becoming buffers to foreign sanctions made

Their names have been drawn down the drain

Without stating their actual aims
Replace tyranny with their names
They hid the scrolls for the invocation of their names
Thinking their people are ignorant of their fame.

I invoke the spirit of the son of the lioness

Who sacks away the king of the pride the very day of his birth
And takes the responsibilities of the king
I invoke your name, the son born of a black woman
Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah
To safeguard the western coast of our race.

I invoke the spirit of the living soul

The rock of ages of Kilimanjaro
The antelope who wears the skin of the tiger as adornment
With the aid of the spirit of Kenyatta and Mobutu
I invoke your name, the true black man of our time
Djata Mugabe
To safeguard the southern coast of our race

I invoke thy spirit, the king of the camel owners

The butter that melts not on the ever scorching sun of Sahara
I invoke you name, the pale skin man of our race
Mohammel Al-Qaddafi
to safeguard the northern coast of our race

I invoke the spirit of the grandmaster of Rastafarism

The remover of the imaginary lines created by pseudo religion and Sheratan white skin visitors within
our race
I invoke your name, the Master of all pride of lions
Emperor Hailee Selassie
To safeguard the eastern coast of our race.

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