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1. Identify and analyse the basics of cardiac anatomy/physiology. 2.

Perform a routine 2D/M-Mode/Doppler (pulsed-wave, continuous wave and Color Flow imaging) echocardiographic examination and appropriate measurements. 3. Identify normal/abnormal characteristics of 2 D cardiac anatomy and explain the role of cardiac Doppler and the necessary qualitatitive/ quantitative measurements. 4. Discus the ultrasound findings associated with valvular heart disease, cardiomayopathies. ischemic heart disease (CAD), pericardial disease and cardiac masses. 5. Assess cardiac Doppler measurements and color characteristics in the adult patient. 6. Apply the information discusses in a clinical setting, under supervised conditions, until an acceptable level of profieciency has been achieved. 7. Increase knowledge and confidence to perform and/or interprete examinations.

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