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Labor is the series of events by which uterine contractions and abdominal pressure expel the fetus and placenta from the womans body. Regular contraction cause progressive dilatation of the cervix and sufficient muscular force to allow the baby to be pushed to the outside. The first stage; of dilatation, beginning with true labor contractions and ending when the cervix is fully dilated; second stage; from the time of full dilatation until the infant is born; the third stage or placental stage; from the time the infant is born until after the delivery of the placenta and the fourth stage or immediate post partum period, from the delivery of placenta until condition of the woman has established.

FIRST STAGE OF LABOR The first stage extends from the first true uterine contraction until the cervix is completely effaced and dilated. Cervical effacement is synonymous with obliterations and taking up, it is the shortening of the cervical canal from a length of about 1-2 cm. Until it is paper thin. Effacement is expressed in percentage (%)

Cervical Dilatation enlargement or widening of cervical as to 10 cm. Diameter. It is fully dilated when it cannot be felt anymore. Dilatation is expressed in centimeters. (cm)


The preparatory phase begins at the onset of regularly perceived uterine contractions and ends when rapid cervical dilatation begins. Contraction during this phase is mild and short, lasting 20 to 40 seconds. Cervical effacement occurs, and the cervix dilates from 0 to 3 cm. The phase lasts approximately 6 hours in a nullipara and 4 5 hours in a multipara. A woman who enters labor with a non ripe cervix will have a longer than the usual latent phase may be prolonged if a cephalopelvic disproportion between the fetal head and pelvis) exists. In a woman who is psychologically prepared for labor and who does not tense at each tightening sensation in her abdomen, latent phase contractions cause only minimal discomfort. The woman should continue to walk and make preparation for birth.

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