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Observing phenomena

Identifying the problem

Identifying the variables

Making a hypothesis

Planning the investigation

Conduct the investigation

Collecting data

Analysing and interpreting data

Making conclusion

Accepted. Write a report.

Rejected. Plan again.

Importance of Scientific Investigation Method

To obtain and collect scientific knowledge

To minimise the influence of assumption, prejudice and biassness

To enable a scientific law to be understood

Variables and Hypothesis

Three variables: Manipulated

Responding Constant

: is changed (we change the value/quantity) : changing : kept constant

Hypothesis: relationship between manipulated and responding variables.

Examples of hypothesis:
You change the temperature of water to see if there is any changes to the volume of water.
Hypothesis: The more temperature, the less volume of water.

1. a) i. The temperature ii. Rate of photosynthesis

b) The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of photosynthesis.

2. a) i. The length of thread ii. Time taken iii. Type of pendulum/number of oscillation

b) The longer the thread, the longer time take to oscillate.

1. a) i. The weight of load ii. Length of spring iii. Type of load/ spring

b) The heavier the load, the longer the spring. c) Hypothesis is accepted. The heavier the load, the longer the spring.

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