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18-02-2013 3:30 -5:00pm computer graphics 19-02-2013 " " computer networks 20-02-2013 " " computer algorithms

21-02-2013 " " network optimization 22-02-2013 " " DIP 23-02-2013 " " compiler design 10:30 to 12:00 assignment topics: 1-> ellipse algorithm 2-> clipping algorithm 3-> circle this 3 r the concepts we have to prepare for next classes......... -> the below quetion given by sumitra madam for the practice.......... line clipping according to cyrus beck let a clipping polygon be defined by the vertices (5,5)(20,2)(16,10)(10,10) and a line between (1,2)and (23,12) (a):perform the cyrus beck clipping algorithm.find out for each intersection par ameter t whether it is "entering" or "leaving" and finally determine which param eters for t are of interest only.......... -> CG syllabus for mid sem is upto line clipping....... -> CN upto data link layer -> algorithms is what ever sir did in the cls that is the syllabus for mid sem.. ............ -> CG AND CN LAB EXAMS from march 4th to 6th at their respective lab timings ... ... mere humsafar na baniye hume ekele rhene ki adat hai....... there is a small change in ur seminar faculty's... ur faculty members are 1) mr.jidesh 2) dr.murugan.........

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