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FACTORS THAT AFFECT COMMUNICATION Communication and interaction can be affected by three main factors they are cultural

background, belief system and knowledge. Cultural background acts as a communication barrier by using ones beliefs to separate themselves from others. Belief differs in many society therefore other may laugh or make fun of ones belief however knowledge is the state of knowing and can become a barrier to communication if the opposite party is illiterate to the subject.

Cultural background is ones experience as shaped by membership in groups based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender among others. Cultural background is generated from one generation to another therefore these beliefs are from our ancestors. The different culture affects others by means of misinterpretation for example, a person speaks a different language the other persons that dont understand can be offended and quarrels can be aroused.

Belief system is a set of mutually supportive beliefs. The belief can be classified as religious or philosophical. All culture develop a collection of beliefs and values that are used to meet it societies needs. Our beliefs are essential to how we behave and as part of who we are. The belief system affects communication with others by acting as a catalyst of distraction to others; they are also discriminated for it. The belief system in Jamaica can affects us while working if for example, there is a gay couple in the restaurant we working in we gravitate to the straight couples more because we believe homosexuality wrong therefore we dont readily accepts gays.

Knowledge is the fact or state of knowing the perception of the fact or truth. Knowledge is useful when both communicating parties have the same amount knowledge of the particular subject however knowledge can act as a barrier if the other person is illiterate about the topic. In our society knowledge affects communication in the workplace if for example he/ she dont know the correct table etiquette they would set the table with their own knowledge of table setting. However knowledge has a advantage and a disadvantage, the advantage of

knowledge in the working industry is being able to answer questions about our country if someone or a tourist asks while the disadvantage of knowledge is not accepting the beliefs of others because of your knowledge of their belief and judge persons for their beliefs.

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