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Anthony McGill BG_Healthcare July 7, 2012

Preexisting Condition Reform Beginning January 1st, 2014, President Obamas healthcare reform for those with preexisting conditions, could bring about drastic changes for healthcare providers, small business owners and patients in the Bowling Green area. The rollout will start September 23rd, 2012 and insurers will no longer be able to exclude children with preexisting conditions from being covered by their family policy. The same change will be made for adults on January 1st, 2014, prohibiting insurers from charging them higher rates. Under the new law, maximum out-of-pocket expenses will be $5,950 for individuals and $11,900 for families, per year. One question that many have is how this will affect children and families. Bowling Greens Director of Job and Family services, David Wigent said, Basically, the short answer is, its going to affect families differently depending on their circumstances. This includes differences in incomes, home states and job situations. However, some seniors may be negatively affected by the new bill. Some may be losing Medicare benefits that they now enjoy, others will gain from an enhancement of Medicares prescription-drug program.

Government payments to Medicare Advantagean alternative to traditional Medicare will be cut by $132 billion over the next 10 years under the healthcare reform bill. However, the bill does not contain cuts to traditional Medicare. Unfortunately, because of the Medicare Advantage cuts, a lot of hospitals could go into debt which would hinder access to care for seniors, said Denise Niese, Executive Director at the Wood County Committee on Aging. Also on January 1st, 2014 a number of business owner related changes will take effect. If a business owner has more than 50 employees, does not offer health insurance as a benefit, and at least one employee has to search elsewhere for care, the owner will have to pay a fee of $2,000 for each full-time worker. Employers are required to offer employees a free choice voucher equal to what an insurance firm would have provided them, said David Wigent. For the young, the old, business owners and healthcare providers alike, this new bill brings massive changes. For more information contact your healthcare provider.

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