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In Gattaca, what evidence is there of both the positive and negative impact of membership of a group on an individuals sense of self?

Irene and Eugene are both members of the Gattaca society. Irene, however, is ultimately ostracised; she is denied a place in space travel due to her defective heart. In a group, what others say and think about one another becomes important and the society of Gatacca has ultimately brainwashed her into believing that she is only as good as her genetics tell her she is. She is repeatedly conditioned to believe that she must accept her fate, that determination is not important as her genetics define her potential. Due to the beliefs of the Gattaca society that she is part of, Irene is led to believe she is inferior to those in her group. Contrastingly, Eugene is told that he is the elite of the elite by the society of Gattaca, that he is superior. However, the group places the pressure of perfection on him and when he receives a silver medal, his high sense of self is demolished and he tries to escape through suicide. However, the friendship group amongst Eugene, Irene and Vincent allows each member to be supported in their journeys to their goals, each member is inspired by one another and they bring the best out in each other. Thus both positive and negative impacts of belonging to a group are displayed in Gattaca.

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