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Teen Comedy Synopsis

Establishing shot of the school Pan of 6th form block Jayesh, Shyam and Mark meet inside the 6th form block and make plans for the day Shyam is carrying alcohol with him, only Mark knows Shot reverse shot and a two-shot of the three friends conversation The three friends begin planning their day and all possible outcomes seem very boring Close Up of Shyam when he begins talking about getting drunk Mark, enthusiast, peer pressures jayesh alongside with Shyam to drink with them Over the shoulder of Mark with a serious face, trying to peer pressure jayesh Two-shot of shyam and mark, shyam cracks a joke about jayeshs confidence, mark laughs with him loudly Medium shot of jayesh giving in to peer pressure and accepting the plans Someone walks by, trackshot of the person walking by, the three friends try to act natural, hiding the bottle. The three friends head out, over the shoulder shot of the three friends stumbling out of the front door Fast motion of the three friends making their way to the front gate.

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