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Thats Life! Episode 1 Test your memory, test your listening

Word 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Thursday morning Guess Listen

1 Read the gapped story and guess the missing words. Complete the Guess part of the table. 2 Listen and complete the Listen part of the table. 3 Read the full story and check your answers. Guess Listen

boyfriend, husband


Hi. My names Cindy Gaskell. My 1________ Ryan and I own this Internet caf The Coffee Shop. Im British, but Ryans 2 ______. Weve got two children Melanie and Russell. Melanies a student at Manchester University and Russell works in Spain for a 3________ company. Thats Ryan over there the man with the beard. Hes talking to Jordan Morris. Jordans Australian and hes a computer engineer. He 4______ our computers, but he isnt doing that now. Hes waiting for his girlfriend, Lucy Patterson. Actually, Jordan really wants to be an actor. He was in a TV advert last year.

Ryan Lucy Ryan Lucy

Hi, Lucy. How are you? Oh, hi, Ryan. Im OK, but Im 9_____ its nearly Friday. Are you doing anything at the weekend? Yes. Jordan and I are 10_________ my parents. They moved down to the south coast a couple of months ago. Theyve got a lovely 11______ by the sea. Ryan That sounds nice. Lucy We wanted to go last Saturday, but Jordan was on emergency call, so were 12___________ doing it this weekend.

2 Thursday afternoon

Jordan Morris? Look, were 13________ an advert this weekend and one of the actors is ill. Are you 14 __________?

Heres Lucy now with Sarah Chen and Peter Columbo. Lucys the woman wearing a 5______. Shes British and she works for an advertising agency. Shes a personal assistant, but she doesnt like her 6_____, Olive Green. Sarahs a postgraduate student at London University. Shes from 7__________. Peters from the USA. He works for a magazine company. Peter and Sarah are getting 8________ soon.

Now ... listen and practise saying the story.

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