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Syria :

International community = impasse: what happening in Syria. Analyzing. Various ways to respond to it. Different approach in order to respond to the crisis. Comparison between Syria crisis and what happening in Libya. Conclusion of the article: international community should provide a cease fire with Dialogue. 8000 persons died as a result of the conflict in Syria. World leaders have felt tent to intervene. Several questions: whether to intervene or not, how to intervene, to what extent. Libya = Non fly zone authorized in 17 March 2011. Comparison can be made between both situations. Russia and china = interest in Syria have opposed to the military intervention. Russia also has its last major military base outside of the former Soviet Union in the Syrian port tartus. Removal of assad regime can lead to the end of acceding to this facility. Russia sales of arms and oil were affected in Iraq and Libya after powers were overthrown. Russia interest in Syria also linked to political factors. Syria = Russia last foothold in the Arab world. The removal of Assad would curb Russias influence in the Arab W. USA = reluctant (reticent) to the intervention in Libya because Russia has supplied Syria with advanced air system. Doubt about nuclear weapons existence. Absence of the unanimity of the IC to how to respond to the Syrian community. Different in the Libyan crisis in some case accordingly may not lead to the same response: rebel operations in Libya and Syria= Not the same scale+ Syrias army = more united with the regime than the Tunisian one or Libyan one+ Syrias alliance with Iran.

Arab spring in Libya : Kadhafi was not aligned to any kind of power and started making enemy within the IC because of his support to terrorism in 1993. He was banned of the international community for a while. 2003= Switch off. Non fly zone was contested at first. AU= deep concern about whats is happening in Libya Initially European countries and USA said they would not intervene without agreement of the Arab league and AU.

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