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The Large Hadron Collider (Large Hadron Collider) has come

into operation. It is located in a ring of 27 km and buried 100
meters underground on the Franco-Swiss border near
Geneva. In a few months, the LHC will be the most powerful
particle accelerator in the world. Protons (or ions) of high
energy beams circulating in turning against the senses
shock against each other in order to find evidence of
supersymmetry, dark matter and the origin of the mass of
elementary particles.
The beams are composed of packets containing hundreds of
billions of protons each. Traveling almost the speed of light,
they will be injected, accelerated, and kept circulating for
hours, guided by thousands of powerful superconducting
In much of the ring, the beams travel in two separate
vacuum lines, but four points of interaction, it faced at the
heart of the main experiments, known as Atlas, CMS, LHCb
and Alice. The energy of protons (or ions) is transformed
during the impact of a myriad of exotic particles that the
detectors will observe these experiences carefully.

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