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POWER CHARM: Super Magnetic Charisma:

This unique formula will Charge Up your Charismatic Power today

It is a unique formula that will quickly increase your charisma even if you think you are cursed and people will never like you. Do not expect to have an amazing sex life if youre not Charismatic. Trying to initiate sex or any positive response from a woman without Charisma is like running up an icy mountain with dress shoes on!

QUESTION: You ever experience being in the presence of someone and for some reason you just didnt want to be around that person? I know I have. To me that person has anti-charisma. It is the total opposite of being charming and it has nothing to do with whether he or she is a good person or not. You can be the nicest person on earth - if your charm level is low, people will be excited about being in your presence. And with the women? Hang it up! She would rather French-Kiss a foaming-mouth cow from China with bone fragments dripping out of its mouth before she gives

you the time of day! Dont even think about executing any Super Sex Power: Magnetism techniques if you have zero charm. When an anti-charmer approaches a woman, he by defaults comes off as weird and creepy. He is the anti-charismatic guy.

Even if he is a nice, good-hearted person, this guy will activate her internal flight-response mechanisms and she will be motivated to do one thing. And that is to get away from him. And (to her) it will feel like the natural and right thing to do. Thats right, even though he may have a warm soul, she will intentionally and strategically engineer/develop ways to get very far away from him. He is anti-charismatic and it does not matter if he knows it or not. If you want to personally enhance your charisma, then follow these 4 easy steps and be sure to maximize each ingredient and you will own the world! Anything you want to accomplish involving other people will be a breeze. It could be with women. It could be with business partners. It could be with your boss. It could be with your employees. My goal is to help you understand how easy it is for anyone to have Magnetic Charisma. This is a 4 ingredient formula that works every time! It does not fail and so far I havent seen anything else like it.

Step One: What is your Charm Level? Think about that for a second. Take a look at the CR James Charismatic Spectrum Chart below (Figure 1). I want you to realize that when you captivate someone you impact them on a very deep level. Take a look at the numbers on the chart - they are your CHARM VALUES. Try to determine what your CHARM VALUE is and think about where you want it to end up.

Figure 1.

If you know the powers associated with charisma, then one of your primary goals in life is to be as charismatic as you can be. The good news is that its not hard. The better news is that its fun and your whole life changes. If you have charisma, you can get jobs with ease - women flock to you. Others go out of their way to help you. It is almost as if the world is working with you to make your life easier. Of course if are anti-charismatic, then it is like the whole world is working against you. Your life becomes hell! See Figure 2 below - it represents the infamous anti-charmer sporting his zero CHARM VALUE! Take a look at the arrows - they represent the intangible force that repels all types of people - including other anti-charmers! Figure 2.

This is pretty serious. Your CHARM VALUE will fluctuate - at times it will be low and other times it will be high. In fact you have probably noticed that at times it seems as though people (family, friends & strangers) cant get enough of you. Your CHARM VALUE is booming during these times. It goes back to charisma - the element about you that makes people addicted to you. Take a look a Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Having Magnetic Charisma means that you have the addictionpower equivalent to 12 oz. of morning coffee and 3 dimes of crack! Ive read a few books on this issue (not crack, I talking about charisma) and Im not going to sit here and tell you that these books arent effective, but from my angle I do see many flaws. The biggest one that sticks out is the idea that enhancing your charisma is a difficult process. Its not. Looking at the size of these books and the number of chapters sends the reader an immediate message that a lot has to be done in order to become charming. You do not have to buy into it. Becoming charismatic is an easy process. I have developed a formula that will increase your charisma in a very short amount of time. Like I said, Im not prepared to call the books I read on charisma garbage, but for now Ill just say that theyre very inefficient (to me). I wish I could find ten people that were struggling with this

issue - I would throw them in a van and drive them to the nearest library. (Yes, I would literally throw them in the van.) Then, I would secure a table and grab three books on charisma. I would then flip through each of the books revealing the pages and pages of useless (or not-so-effective) information. Next, I would rip those pages right out of the book, isolating the portions (the meat) of the book that provided valuable insight. With all of the useless pages ripped out you would have about 6 pages for each book. Maybe you can tell me why the authors and these major publishing companies just dont make 6 page books. Lets be fair. There are many great books on this subject. But for now you will see that the 4 ingredient formula that will be revealed will work immediately. You can prove it to yourself and thank me later. [] Lets proceed. I have developed a formula that is simple and Im confident that it will help your increase your charisma. You just have to remember four things: 1. 2. 3. 4. Confidence Compassion Comedy (sense of humor) Engaging

Thats it - Three Cs and an E (kinda like my 6 card) Thats the formula:

grade report

Confidence + Compassion + Comedy + Engaging = Magnetic Charisma Most people are able to achieve amazing charismatic results by just being extremely strong in just two of the four areas. Typically, your charisma feel fluctuate much like your level of

confidence, your level of compassion and your level of sense of humor and the level in which you engage with others. I dont care how bad your self-esteem is, you are bound to have levels of higher confidence even if its for a day. And conversely, you could be the most confident person who ever walked the earth. There still will be moments where your confidence will be lower than normal. But your goal is to maximize your Magnetic Charisma. To use a baseball analogy, you are trying to lead the league in batting even though there will be plenty of days you go 0 for 4. If you want to know where you stand in terms of magnetism, take a look at these. (These are 7 out of a million)

7 Clues that reveal if you are a highly charismatic person 1. You are often told that another person spoke highly of you. 2. You often find people wanting to not end their conversation with you. 3. You are often complimented by people. 4. When you run into people you see them light up or perk up. 5. People frequently want you to be a part of events with them(parties, gatherings, clubs, etc.) 6. It seems as though people laugh or smile at everything you say. 7. You consider dating fun.

7 Clues that reveal if you are an anti-charismatic person 1. People you know delay or never return your emails or phone calls. 2. You feel that anywhere you go in various environments (i.e. school, work, etc.) people pick on you or talk to you as if they don't respect you. 3. People often give no response to your jokes or comments. 4. When dating you know that in a matter of time the person will lose interest. 5. You can tell that strangers want to remain distant from you. 6. People hardly ever appear to be excited when they see you. 7. People often pass over you as if you dont exist.

Most people fall somewhere in the middle of these extremes. I would say that the average person has an idea of where he stands in terms of his charisma level, but there so many people that are completely in the dark.


It is so easy to get wrapped up in yourself to the point where you effortlessly end up neglecting the people you love and strangers who need your help. Im guilty of this. The best and quickest way to develop compassion is to see all people as good and to see your self in everyone. Power Tip #1: Recharge your compassion by spending a day, week, or month away from the news. Dont read the paper. Dont say anything good or bad about anything. Do not judge anything and suppress your desire to be opinionated - just be neutral and let things be. This is a soul cleansing experience. The news and the evils of the world have a way of desensitizing you, so this process will literally bring you back to earth! Aside from how this methods works to enhance your charisma, you will find that developing your compassion will give you inner peace. Just like holding grudges will deny you of peace. Learn to care about others and youll develop the compassion. Once you combine compassion with the other ingredients you will notice that people will be drawn to you. People who are extremely charismatic are like a drug that everyone is addicted to.


If you go to the library, you see that there are no shortages of self-help books. All of these books were created to provide you with confidence. Confidence is the super ingredient in life. The world is set up in a way were in every aspect, the person with more confidence has a greater advantage.

ENHANCE CONFIDENCE: LETTING GO OF THE GUILT The sad thing about confidence or people who dont have it is that they have irrational feelings about it. Many people think that being confident is the same as being arrogant. Many good-natured confident people are often regarded as assholes or jerks. In a frightening discovery, I found that many people actually started feeling guilty for being confident or as their confidence began to grow. There is an inner-pull (cultivated by social conditioning) that corrects you and forces you to tone things down. I think it has to do with how the word is linked so closely to being arrogant and selfish. Through society, we are conditioned to play down our achievements and ignore our greatness (or the things that make us unique). When the poorly-esteemed person is trying to increase his confidence, he is taught (society gives him the OK) to look in the mirror and tell himself that he is great, he is beautiful, he is wonderful, he is the world! Why? Because it works! On the other hand: When you actually become confident it is frown upon to say or mention your greatness. How come you are not allowed to say that you are wonderful or great when it becomes closer to the truth?

What is this world coming to? Im convinced that we are living in the most pacifying collectively low self-esteemed times ever. If you say that you are great after you accomplished great things, how come thats frown upon? MY ADVICE: Dont ever be afraid of being confident and showing others that you are confident. You will see great benefits in thinking this way. Avoid societys deep conditioning that attaches and makes an attempt to assign guilt to those that are confident and feel good about themselves.

AVOIDING LOW CONFIDENCE Do not allow yourself to fall in the low confidence zone. We are the ones who are responsible for our self-worth. People with low self-esteem will normally have a way of spinning everything they perceive as a negative. Youve seen a person behave like this before. What he believes is evidence is skewed by his distorted way of processing information. Once you get in the low confidence zone in which we all may experience from time to time, it can be challenging to get out. Im a loser. Ill never get a job. Maybe there was nothing wrong with you. Maybe it was just a matter of circumstance. Maybe a person was already in place and the interviewing process was procedural. Who knows? But it is a shame that people will place such great emphasis on events. Having low confidence will also create an environment where you are creating false confirmations. For example, you walk around feeling miserable about people not liking you and the next thing you know you become so miserable

that people really dont want to be around you. Its that simple. The secret is to have the awareness of the dynamics of confidence. Most of maintaining and increasing your confidence will come from avoiding the drops and decreases. This is done by instantly putting events in perspective.


Typically if you have no confidence and no compassion, it will be extremely difficult to find humor in things. The people who do often are entertained by other peoples pain and struggles. Once you work towards gaining confidence and compassion, you will become happier with little effort. It is now important to not hold back your sense of humor. Start having fun and letting go. You dont have to be the next Chris Rock. You dont have to tell jokes all day long. Just try to smile more. Try to see the beauty in things - in nature. Dont take life so seriously. Put a kick-me sign on your bosss back. Knock over the plants in his office. Just joking. If you are a fan of sports, you will often hear teams mentioning that their success came from just going out on the field/court and just having fun. I think life is the same way. You will see amazing benefits from just enjoying life and telling yourself that you enjoy life. Let life come to you.


This is important because if you have the first 3 ingredients satisfied but you are not engaging with others, then people will not be as drawn to you (as much). This is the final piece that brings everything together. The quickest way to enhance your engaging ability is by speaking to everyone you see. Start conversations. Instead of forming instant opinions about others, convince yourself that you like them and initiate a conversation. And if you happen to consistently see negativity in others, then challenge yourself to find something good about them. Because anti-charismatic people often see the bad in everyone, so they instant opinions feel justified. Align yourself with the good side of people. Get in the habit of speaking and making small talk... When you see a stranger, instead of instantly classifying the person, pretend that you have a deep respect for him or her. Actually imagine that you are care for the person. It also helps to say to yourself things like: I like her. She seems like a good-natured person. He seems like a cool dude. I like him. I like her. She seems fun and interesting. (anything that assigns the person with value) Once you do this, you will experience an undeniable change in how everyone responds to you. Then from there, you can give them a friendly smile at a minimum. You dont have to have 2 hour long deep secrets revealing conversations with everyone who cross your path. But I would urge you to get in the mind frame where you are actually excited about seeing people in a more pleasant way.

(Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone on the planet decided to be more pleasant, respectful and kind?) Here is what has been called the Saddest note from a bridge jumper: [New Yorker, 10/13/03] Im going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I will not jump.

So engaging with people (in a way where you begin to respect them and align yourself with the good side of them), enhances your charisma like crazy because people like people who like them - in a selfish way, but it makes sense. Think about this. Would you rather be in a room full of people who like you -- or -- a room full of people who dont like you? Even if you never met both groups, and the only thing you knew is that one group didnt like you and the other group liked you - if asked which room would you rather hang out in? (Which group would you like more?) The group who likes you. When you convince a stranger that you like him or that you care about him, they tend to like you back. And the more you are able to do this, the more you will give off an energy that people like you. In other words, others can intuitively tell that you are a likable person. Women can tell how engaging you are. Women are insanely drawn to a guy with strong social skills. People often think that they will come off as pushy and annoying if they just start talking to everyone they see/meet. It is not true. The only way you will become the annoying guy (and I am sure you are thinking of someone specifically) is if you have no concept of what the other person is thinking. Ill explain what I mean by that.

Pushy & Annoying people cant tell when a person wants to be left alone. Pushy & Annoying people dont add anything to the person they are taking to. Pushy & Annoying people just like to blab about themselves. Pretend that you are the stranger for a second. And someone out of nowhere starts talking to you and they only seem interested in blabbing about himself/herself. You are probably going to be annoyed. Its happened before. This person never acknowledges anything you say and you are left wondering why do they even want to talk to you. On the flip side lets say you are the stranger and out of nowhere someone starts talking to you and they are reacting positively to what you are saying and in addition to that, they seem to care about you and what you have to say. Chances are you not going to be annoyed. Why? Because people dont get annoyed by people who make them feel good. LOL. (Its impossible.) So start talking to everyone you see and you will quickly notice a very fast increase in your charisma. (Employ this 4 ingredient formula and it will not fail you my friend.)

OVERALL CHARISMA Once you work towards increasing all four areas, you will see amazing benefits in no time. Im not talking about in months, Im talking about in seconds Because this is not like Kung Fu where you have to train for years! It only takes a nanosecond to decide that you will finish out the rest of the day showing more compassion. It only takes a nanosecond to decide that you will finish out the rest of the day enjoying life more, being happy and laughing more. It only takes a nanosecond to decide that you will finish out the rest of the day being more engaging. It only takes a nanosecond to decide that you will finish out the rest of the day being more confident.

Remember the equation: Confidence + Compassion + Comedy + Engaging = Magnetic Charisma Work towards exercising all four areas (constantly) and you will without a doubt strengthen your charisma my friend.

Peace Love & Happiness

CR James

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