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Gabriel D.


Grade 5 St. Thomas

Eskimo Clothing Only fur clothing was warm enough in such a cold place. The Eskimos make their clothes of animal skin. Caribou (reindeer) skin make the best clothes because they are warm and light. Eskimos wear shirts, coats, pants, socks and shoes or boots. They wear two layers of clothes, the inner layer of fur against the skin and the outer layer of fur facing out. Boots and shoes are made of seal skin because it is waterproof. The hooded coat is called the parka. Snow goggles are used to protect their eyes from the glaring snow.

Gabriel D. Morales

Grade 5 St. Thomas

Eskimo Food Eskimos hunt for their food. They eat fish, sea mammals, for example seals and walruses, and a few land mammals.

Caribou is a wild reindeer. They hunt caribou for food, as well as for their skins for clothing and antlers for tools.

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