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GLPO Essay I have grown as both a student and as a global citizen.

I have grown as a student because I learned how to solve absolute value equations by graphing them in a graph chart. I have also grown as a student because I know how to say and write my whole family in Chinese. I know how to say mom, dad, my grandma, my grandpa, my older brother, my older sister, my younger brother, and my younger sister. I also know how to say fire, water, mountain, scenery, mouth, saliva, and people. I have also grown as a student because I know that Hercules in Greek mythology had to do twelve labours, that seemed to be impossible for a mortal person, because he killed his wife and two children. Thats how I have grown as a student in knowledge, college/career readiness, or skills for academic success. I have grown as a global citizen.I have grown as a global citizen because i have grown in my ability in taking action. I have grown in my ability to taken action by recycling a lot, I practically recycle for my whole family. I recycle for my house, and my grandmas house. I recycle for my aunt and uncle but only when they get lazy. I recycle glass, aluminum, and plastic. Every time I go to recycle I leave the recycle place around 100 dollars richer. But I dont recycle for the money, I do it for the better of the community. Thats how I have grown as a global citizen in my ability to take action, investigate the world, recognize perspectives, or communicate ideas.

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