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Verbie Goes Bananas

The King is obviously attered, hes been moving his head from side to side, keeping time to the music, and snapping his ngers.

King Verb: (rmly) In ENGLISH, please, in English, if you dont mind.


Verbie Goes Bananas

The 12 Citizens continue their song and dance Hes a jolly good fellow, Hes a jolly good fellow, Hes a jolly good fellow.. And so say all of us, And so say all of us, And so say all of us. Music stops and everyone settles down. It is quiet. King Verb: (stands up and clears his throat loudly before proceeding to deliver a speech) Umhh..... Umhh..... Thank you, thank you, dear friends, for the honour you have bestowed upon me. The English Language is my Kingdom; all Words are my brothers and sisters. I love my Kingdom and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.


Verbie Goes Bananas

Sutradhaar: (sitting up alert) Hey!! King Verb: I shall always strive to be worthy of it. Sutradhaar: (indignantly) Havent we heard that somewhere before6? King Verb: I shall give my parents, teachers, and all elders respect, and treat everyone with courtesy. To my Kingdom and to you, my people, I pledge my devotion. In your well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness. Sutradhaar: (incensed) Liar!! Jhootha kahin ka! Applause from his supporters in the background

reference to the National Pledge


Verbie Goes Bananas

King Verb: (raises a hand to stop the applause ) I shall try my best to rule this vast Kingdom well and strive to maintain unity in such diversity. But in order to do that, I need your co-operation, dear Subjects, and dear Objects as well. I feel I ought to get better acquainted with all of you to familiarise myself with your individual qualities and virtues. Applause, more applause King Verb: (continuing) Before I decide upon my Council of Ministers, I request all the tribes, castes and communities of our glorious Kingdom to send their representatives to the Imperial Palace to summarize their groups characteristics to me.


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