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Cake: 1 cup cocoa 4 cups all purpose flour 4 cups white sugar 1 tbsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 1 cup oil 1 cup diluted milk ( 1 cup milk evap and cup water) 8 egg yolks cup corn syrup

8 egg whites ( add the 2 egg whites from filling) tsp cream of tartar 1 cup sugar

Fillings: 2 egg yolks

1 can condensed milk (big) 1 can evap milk (small) or cup 2 tbsp. corn starch bar butter

Frosting: cup cocoa powder cup evap milk 2 tbsp. flour bar butter cup white sugar *INGON NI ATE LALANG, SAME PROCEDURE RA DAW PAGLUTO SA CHIFFON.

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