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Proposed location Site selection is one of the most important decisions in preliminary design of any facilities.

The chosen location should meet numerous requirements including ease of transportation, access to feedstock supplies, availability of utilities, cheap land price. Among above criteria, availability of cheap feedstock and the availability transportation infrastructure are two main key to select the location. Four proposed sites are shown in figure ### Access to feedstock Access to low price feedstock lower the production cost and transportation cost hence increase the profitability of the plant. The plant is proposed to use the first generation technology which employs primary agriculture products such as wheat, sugar cane or sorghum as input.In additional, retrofitting the plant for second generation feedstock is expected in year 2020 when the suitable technology is matured. Consequently, the availability of second feedstock should also be taken into accounted. Figure ### shows abundance of the feedstock in different regions of Australia. To produce ##### million litres of biethanol, an amount of approximately ##### tonnes of feedstock are required. I Australia is one of the major exporters of raw sugar. As a result, excess sugar cane is available for bioethanol production. As shown in Figure ###, Sugar cane is substantially grown in Easter coast

Figure ###: distribution of sugar cane in Australia

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