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Austin Realff

3707 Pleasantview rd West Kelowna, BC V4T1E4 Tel: (250)-707-3306

OBJECTIVE To gain job skills while earning money for my post-secondary goals SKILLS
Creating new ideas Maintaining emotional control while under stress Teamwork Tolerating Interruptions Mediating between people Listening to others

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2014 Mount Boucherie Secondary School,...................West Kelowna, BC > I excelled in my programming classes, getting B's and A's. I
performed exceptionally in German, getting high B's and A's.

WORK EXPERIENCE 2012-Now Kelowna Instruments, ........................................West Kelowna, BC. > I repaired Instrument Panel Clusters, cleaned the shop before
closing, and managed the database.


Work Ethic and Honour Roll distinctions I write in my spare time, am skilled with computers, and adept at thinking independently

REFERENCES Employer Kelowna Instruments 2510 Robbie rd West Kelowna N/A Personal Reference Beth Cavers 3213 Corral Court West Kelowna 250-768-1217 Teacher or Coach N/A

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