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Practical guide to subversion on Windows with TortoiseSVN

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Practical guide to subversion on Windows with TortoiseSVN

by Nikolai V. Shokhirev

Up: Programming | Prev: Installation and setup Contents Introduction How to backup and restore a repository References

Introduction Needles to say that your repository (as any other database) should be backed up on a regular basis. You should consult with the appropriate sections of the SVN Book and TortoiseSVN User Guide. The simplest way to backup and restore a repository I found in Charlie Calvert's article. Below I just added screenshots for illustration.

How to backup and restore a repository Suppose your repository is in C:\SVN\MyProject. You want to save it contents in C:\tmp\MyProject.bak (file extension does not matter). We are going to use the tool svnadmin, which comes with Subversion. 1. To backup the repository, you should start the command-line interpreter (Start -> Run -> cmd.exe) and execute the command:
svnadmin dump C:\SVN\MyProject > C:\tmp\MyProject.bak


Practical guide to subversion on Windows with TortoiseSVN

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This saves all revision in a backup file:

2. To restore the repository from the dump file, you should first create a new repository (e.g. C:\SVN\MyProject2) to hold the data you want to restore (see Repository creation). Then run the following command:
svnadmin load C:\SVN\MyProject < C:\tmp\MyProject.bak

This restores your repository from the dump file:

You can check the contents of the new repository using TortoiseSVN.



Practical guide to subversion on Windows with TortoiseSVN

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1. Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick, C. Michael Pilato. Subversion book: 2. TortoiseSVN User Guide, which comes with TortoiseSVN. 3. Charlie Calvert. Using Dump and Load to Backup up Subversion Repositories: Up: Programming | Prev: Installation and setup

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Last Modified: 04/12/2009 06:50:54 Please e-mail me at Nikolai V. Shokhirev, 2004-2005


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