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Quadrophenia Notes

Jimmy . Wanted to be part of a gang, group identity very important to him. . Wanted to be different but he was the same as any other mod - wanted to be alternative. . Took it too seriously wanted to get out of his dead end job and his life. Steph . Sexual Freedom . Feminine compared to androgynous mods . No loyalty Kevin . Even though him and Kevin are friends, when in there seen with their groups there friendship means nothing so that Jimmy can conform and belong with his group

examples of Mise-en scene . Mod scooters . Parker coats . Amphetamine pills . Suits . Leather jackets . Motorbikes Ideologies in Quadrophonia . Sub cultural ideology . Living for the here and now . Dominant ideology of being in a gang. . Them and us (mods v society)- binary oppositions (My Generation young v old)

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