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A very interesting write-up.and a perceptive view of the Question of Dharma.

One can also attribute the confusion reigning in today's society and polity on this dilema of following the Top-down(trikle-down theory the economists call it) in a bottom-up(i don't know if it has an equivalent name) set-up. For example laws are written for things that can only be changed by a change of attitude :- whether it is female foeticide or honourkillings or what Muthalik di d in Mangalore or reservations or dowry deaths/harrassments or eve-teasing or co rruption or political integrity or ragging or even communal amity..How far can a peice of paper passed by -people who don't even seem to be bothered by its outc ome rule people who don't know or are not bothered by what is written in it, is something we need,as a society,to ponder on.

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