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A W.H.A.L.E.V.


Water lapped against the side of the small red fishing boat called The Seahorse. Rays of sun lashed out against the peaceful Hawaiian coast, Jonah smiled as the boat pulled away from the dock. The small boat sped across the waves until it reached a calm spot a mile, or so, away from the beach. Jonah and his family, vacationing in Hawaii, had decided to rent a boat for the day and spend it in order to catch their breath from their busy vacation and just relax. Jonah leaned over the edge of the boat watching the tropical fish dart back and forth across the sparkling water.

Jonahs mom, Mrs. Lindemood, came up to him with a bottle of sunscreen Jonah, please put this on, she said. Jonah sighed, he didnt like sunscreen but he would do it anyways. He took the sunscreen, popped open the lid, and started to squeeze some onto his hand. But as he did so, the sunscreen bottle slipped and flew into the rippling waters below. Mom! Jonah exclaimed his Mrs. Lindemood turned around in a panic I dropped the sunscreen in the water! Can I jump in after it? No, its fine, Mrs. Lindemood replied, I dont want you to get hurt. She turned back around to sit down, but before she could, she heard a splash. Jonah had already jumped in and was swimming towards the shiny, white floating tube of sunscreen. In the midst of towering waves and his moms yells, Jonah made his way towards the container. He bobbed up and down as if in a wave pool. But the chaos was too much, and his life jacket slipped off. He tried to put it back on but in the rocking waves the life jacket slipped from his hands. He couldnt keep his head up and slowly pulled him towards the bottom of the ocean. He was dazed, his eyesight was blurry, and worst of all Jonah didnt know which way was up. The bright underwater colors taunted,

challenging him to find his way back to the surface. His breath was running out. He was scared. But right as he thought it was the end, out of the corner of his water-filled eyes, he saw a large mass approaching. A black blob approaching. The blob slowly engulfed him, and before he knew it, he was out cold. Jonah woke up to the sound of alarms and a voice of an intercom. We have a humanoid boy in Sector 5. I repeat, we have a humanoid boy in Sector 5. I repeat repeating, we have a humanoid boy in Sector 5. I repeat repeating repeating, we have a okay now Im just confusing myself. Jonah sat up as the intercom shut off, and rubbed his dizzy head. He looked around. He seemed to be in a metal room with two doors on either side. Suddenly the intercom came on once more. Hello, humanoid child. Welcome to the Wondrous Helping Aquatic Luminescent Excursion Vehicle (W.H.A.L.E.V for short) we tried to make the acronym WHALE but it didnt work out that way. Anyways, my name is Captain Timothy The Tortoise. Im a turtle; yes there is a difference. My middle and last name are actually The Tortoisedont ask. We noticed you struggling in the water and decided to help, hence the name W.H.A.L.E.V. Unfortunately marine animals dont breath the same as you do, so you will have to put on this oxygen suit. It is over to the left.

Jonah looked to the left and saw a neon pink oxygen suit. He wasnt really a big fan of pink but put it on anyways. He could never let his sister know he actually wore something pink. Captain Timothy seemed to of read his mind because, once the suit was on Timothy said over the intercom Im sorry its pink. A lost fisherman took our male suit last year; it was never returned. Please return this one. Still not understanding what was going on, Jonah barely managed a nod. Good, Timothy continued. Seymour, fill Sector 5 back up, with water. Cascades of water burst into the room through two large holes at the top of the room. Jonah felt the cold water at his feet, then his waist, then his neck, and then he was covered in water head to toe. When the room was filled with water one of the two doors opened and a turtle swam through the entrance. Jonah only assumed it was Timothy. Hello, humanoid boy. Im Timothy, the turtle said. Whats your name? Uhh Jonah barely muttered still in awe. Well Uhh, Im glad to see you on board. Uhh Jonah could hardly speak. I know your name, Uhh. You can stop saying it. Let me show you around.

The cold, rusty, metallic halls of the W.H.A.L.E.V were very empty. They reminded Jonah of empty school halls, empty and not very exciting. But for some reason, Jonah was still amazed. He swam down the halls; Timothy at his side explaining to him how every nook and cranny was built. This is when they reached the first room. The doors, to the left of them, opened and they entered it, inside was a school of fish. There were hundreds even thousands of bright green fish speeding around as if having drunk a million Mountain Dews. This is a school of fish we are helping. They are very vulnerable in these dangerous waters and need all the help they can get migrating to a small reef off the Hawaiian Coast. Jonah smiled glad fish were helping other fish out. But this made Jonah think of home, his mom, his dad, his sister. He just wanted to be with them. He continued his smile but hidden behind it, tears welled up in his eyes. They continued down the halls into a second room. It was a large room, filled with tubing and other machine parts. But the strangest aspect was at the other side of the room: a large octopus clung to the walls, his tentacles wrapped up inside the maze of tubing. This is Octavius, our engine if you will, the W.H.A.L.E.V is ink powered. So we use Octavius here to run it. Timothy said.

Im pretty much a slave, Octavius complained to Jonah. We pay you, Timothy countered. But I cant use the money if Im always strapped up to this thing. Octavius said his temper seeming to grow. Thats true, Timothy said realizing what Octavius had said I never thought about it that way Jonah was still confused so for the first time during his time on the W.H.A.L.E.V. he spoke a clear complete sentence. How can a submarine be ink powered? Well thats a very good question, Uhh, and I have asked that many times myself. But unfortunately I can never get a straight answer from the scientists. Sometimes I think they dont even know. But they invented it, how can they forget? Well, the scientists were goldfish, and goldfish have a very short memory.

Jonah rolled his eyes and they left the engine room leaving grumpy Octavius to his work. They continued down the way into the last room. The door opened and inside was the command deck. There were two desks in the center of the room and a large window at the front showing the beautiful ocean floor. Behind one of the desks was a shrimp. Jonah guessed the other desk was Timothys And last but not least is Seymour, our resident military genius. He is in charge of any battles we may come across. Timothy introduced. Seymour turned and saluted to Timothy. Is this the humanoid? Seymour asked. Yes it is, Timothy answered his name is Uhh and we need to get him back to his family. Very well but we should return the fish first. They needed help earlier than he did, Seymour stated. Timothy made a tiny nod. My thoughts exactly. Why cant I just go back to my family? They are probably worried about me right now. Jonah asked wondering if he would ever see his family again. Well, Uhh, underwater we set priorities and take turns. The school of fish needed help first and we will help them first. You will just have to wait your turn. Timothy answered.


But before Jonah could reply a loud alarm started. Jonah shook in fear. What was going on? Captain we have a shark approaching us at 10 oclock! Seymour exclaimed. Jonah and Timothy looked through the large window and sure enough there was a great white shark approaching quickly. That is not good, Timothy muttered. He then pressed a small button on his desk and yelled This is your Captain. A shark is approaching. I repeat a shark is approaching. I repeat repeating a shark is nevermind! Long story short, man your battle stations!


The shark approached. It was mainly bright gray with a white belly. Jonah was scared. What are we going to do? he asked in a panic. Fight! exclaimed a now battle hungry Seymour. Not even a second after he said it Octavius burst out from the corner of the window and charged at the shark. With ink trailing behind him he wrapped around the shark and spun the beast around trying to confuse him. The ink oozed from Octavius tentacles and fogged up the window making it hard to see. Octavius is struggling, said Timothy. I can see that, Seymour sarcastically replied. I think we need to call upon Plan H. Timothy continued getting his point across. No, not Plan H! Seymour exclaimed. You are going might get lost in the ocean forever. Remember what happened to your father! Timothy sighed. I know what happened, but he was helping someone as well. We all need to help people. No! Seymour argued You cant do that! I have to, Timothy grimly stated. He started to swim out of the room and said Goodbye Seymour. He closed the door behind him and within no time was in the ocean charging at the monstrous shark. He pulled his body into his


hard, stone-like shell and lodged himself into the sharks mouth, right as the shark was going to bite Octavius. The shark tried to close his mouth but couldnt. This gave Octavius a chance to escape as he swam as quickly as he could back to the W.H.A.L.E.V. The shark wrestled with Timothy still lodged in between his crushing teeth. Then the shell broke. A large cracking noise sounded through the ocean and the Jonah went silent as he saw the shark gain victory over Timothy and push the now limp turtle out of his mouth. The shark, not gaining success from his attack swam away defeated. Seymour pressed the intercom Octavius, begin the recovery procedure. Jonah and Seymour both watched as Octavius swam out, wrapped his tentacles around Timothy and swim back in. There was a buzz over the intercom and Octavius voice came The captain is alive. He is knocked out but still alive. No thanks to you guys. The last complaint made Jonah roll his eyes in an almost disgusted manner. Well now we need an acting captain. Seymour said. Jonah now saw an advantage Ill do it. He said, hoping this would get him home. Are you sure? Seymour asked.


Yeah, Im sure, Jonah said with a more confident tone. Well then, what is your first order Captain Uhh? Jonah looked at Seymour and walked over to the intercom button, pressed it, and said This is your acting captain speaking, set a course for a boat called The Seahorse. But sir we should deliver the school of fish first. They are our top priority, Seymour argued. I am now your captain and I want to go home, Jonah countered. This is my call. Jonah was stubborn. The only thing on his mind at the moment was his family. They were probably worried about him. He had to go find them. But sir, Seymour argued back. Its like waiting in line. You are cutting the school of fish. Thats wrong. This struck Jonah. He never liked it when people cut him in line at school. But his family was worried about him. What should he do? Jonah sighed, having made his decision. He pressed the intercom button. Scratch my previous message. Lets continue our original route. Lets return those fish! The route through the rest of the ocean was a visual delight. Bright yellow fish darted back and forth. Intertwined between them were other colors of fish: red, green, blue. It was a


rainbow underwater. Other visual candy engulfed the window as well. The disorienting sunlight, the dusty sand covering the ocean floor, the bright colored plants that the rainbow of fish darted in and out of. They finally reached the destination and let the school of fish disperse into the ocean. The high-energy fish shot out and blocked the surrounding ocean with their shear numbers. It was a very unique sight that made Jonahs jaw drop a little. Once they had cleared Seymour said, Okay, now we can return to your mom.


Mrs. Lindemood paced back and forth, a worried tear swelling up in her eye. Was here son gone? Where was he? How could she live without him? Then as if from nowhere there was a voice Hey Mom. Mrs. Lindemood spun around and there was Jonah standing on the edge of the boat as if nothing had happened. Jonah! Mrs. Lindemood exclaimed with a sigh of release and ran to hug her son. Where have you been? Jonah then weaved a fantastic story about fish, a submarine, a shark, helping, and an octopus with an attitude. But as he told his story Mrs. Lindemoods expression only got angry. Jonah Lindemood! You never lie to me like that! Ive been worried sick, you at least owe me the truth! But Mom, Jonah argued back It is the truth! It is, maam, came a voice from the floor of the boat. Mrs. Lindemood looked down and standing there was a small shrimp, the shrimp turned to Jonah. Excuse me, Uhh but I have to go. I just got a call. Theres a clownfish looking for his son, sounds dire. The shrimp then ran and jumped off the boat. Mrs. Lindemood could only mutter one sound Uhh


About the Author

Jeremy Sexton is in 11th grade at Rocky Mountain High School. He enjoys writing fiction stories with a light sense of humor. The first major story he wrote was in 4th grade. The story was called Cheeselock Holes. It was not as good as some of the work Jeremy writes today but nonetheless it was a start. He also loves movies, TV shows, bacon, and just story telling in general. He finds it fascinating how people perceive the world differently. Jeremy also loves good welldeveloped characters and has tried to work with structure and descriptive detail all this year. He also has won awards at speech and debate competitions and hopes to incorporate that into his writing or his writing into his speeches.


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