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1- Sean Juckes

I have made a music magazine as part of my Media G321 coursework; I have made a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. I would be very grateful if you could complete the following questionnaire so I can gather results about my magazine. What stands out the most on my front cover? PLEASE TICK THE TITLE THE MAIN IMAGE THE COVER LINES OTHER _______________________________________

From your first impressions what would you categorize the genre as? Please TICK HIPHOP ROCK INDIE POP

Is the main image applicable for a HipHop magazine? Circle YES NO If NO why not?_____________________________________________ What are your first impressions on the contents page? 3 Descriptive Words How could I improve the contents page? Add more detail on what is involved on each page Include another image Add a border Other ________________________________________________

2- Sean Juckes

Honestly, on a scale of 1-5, (5 being most suitable) where would you rate the double page spread for a HipHop article? (Please fill in appropriate box) 1 2 3 4 5 Do you like the article and is it appropriate? Circle YES NO Is the layout appropriate for a double page spread of a hiphop magazine rate 1-5 (1 being definitely not 5 being perfect) Please tick 1 2 3 4 5 Where would you expect to see this magazine be sold?

Would you buy it if you saw it there? Circle YES NO If NO why not, please State _____________________________________

Thank you for taking time to fill in this questionnaire in order to benefit me, it is much appreciated. 2

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