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Tape to Envelope 1, which has card 2 inside (to be taped by the fountain):

Before opening this envelope for your next clue, you must sing I am a Child of God like a little Leprechaun (we are small and short so get on your knees please!).
Tape to Envelope 2, which has card 3 inside (to be taped by the bathrooms) **Put green stickers inside the envelope and make sure all the kids get one before they sing:

Before opening this envelope for your next clue, you must sing One in a Million while everyone wears green.
Tape to Envelope 3, which has card 4 inside (to be placed on the tray along with the wands on the kitchen counter):

Before opening this envelope for your next clue, you must sing My Heavenly Father Loves Me while making a rainbow with these wands.
Place on top of pot of gold:

Before you get your little treat, you must sing one more song - This is My Beloved Son as reverently as you can!

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