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1,Apocalypse now,,Regizor-Francis Ford Coppola 2,Fargo,,Regizor-Joel Coen 3,Forest Gump,,,Regizor-Robert Zemeckis 4,Green Mile,,,Regizor-Franck Darabont 5,Mistyc River,,Regizor-Clint Eastwood

6,Uniforgiven,,Regizor-Clint Eastwood 7,Pulp Fiction,,Regizor-Qentin Tarantino 8,Reservoir Dogs,,,Regizor-Qentin Tarantino 9,The Deer Hunter,,,Regizor-Michael Cimino 10,Scarface,,Regizor-Brian De Palma 11,Carlyto's way,,,Regizor-Brian De Palma 12,Revolver,,,Regizor-Guy Ritchie 13,13,,,Regizor-Gela Babluani 14,Snatch,,,Regizor-Guy Ritchie 15,RocknRolla,,,Regizor-Guy Ritchie 16,The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,,,Regizor-Andrew D ominik 17,The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ,,,Regizor-David Fincher 18,The Shawshank Redemption,,,,Franck Darabont 19,Dances with Wolves ,,,Regizor-Kevin Costner 20,Goodfellas,,,Regizor-Martin Scorsese 21,Close Range,,,Regizor-James Foley 22,The Basketball Diaries,,,Regizor Scott Kalvert 23,Cast Away,,Regizor-Brian De Palma 24,Taxi Driver,,,,Regizor-Martin Scorsese 25,No Country for Old Men,,,,Regizor-Brother Coen 26,The Mision,,,Regizor-Roland Joffe 27,The World's Fastest Indian,,,Regizor-Roger Donaldson 28,The Book of Eli,,,Regizor-Allen and Albert Hughes 29,The Pursuit of Happyness,,,Regizor-Gabriele Muccino 30,Alpha Dog,,,Regizor-Nick Cassavetes 31,One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,,,Regizor-Milos Forman 32,The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,,,Regizor-Sergio Leone 33,Escape from Alcatraz,,,Regizor-Don Siegel 34,John Q,,,Regizor-Nick Cassavetes 35,Brokeback Mountain,,,Regizor-Ang Lee 36,Zodiac,,,Regizor-David Fincher 37,Seven,,,Regizor-David Fincher 38,Fight Club,,,Regizor-David Fincher 39,The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,,,Regizor-David Fincher 40,Papillon,,,Regizor-Franklin J. Schaffner

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