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#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.

h> int main() { int current_day,current_month,current_year; int day,month,year; printf("Please enter the current date:>\n"); printf("Enter the current year:>"); scanf("%d",&current_year); printf("Enter the currrent month:>"); scanf("%d",&current_month); printf("Enter the current day:>"); scanf("%d",&current_day); printf("\n\nNow Enter your date of Birth:>\n"); printf("Enter the year:>"); scanf("%d",&year); printf("Enter the month:>"); scanf("%d",&month); printf("Enter the day:>"); scanf("%d",&day); year=current_year-year; month=fabs(current_month-month); day=fabs(current_day-day); printf("\n\nYou are now\n%d Years\n%d months\n%d days\n",year,month,day); getch(); return 0; }

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