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362 Come, Thou Holy Spirit, Come!

Tune: VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS (777D) Text: Archbishop Langton (1228)

home guest, Thine, soul, more

Spir - it, come! 1. Come, Thou Ho - ly 2. Come, com - fort - ers the best, of Light di - vine, O most bless - d 3. thou make whole, 4. Sin - ful hearts do who a - dore the faith - ful, 5. On

And from Thy ce - les - tial Of the soul the sweet - est Shine with - in these hearts of Bring to the life ar - id And con - fess Thee, ev - er -

lian - cy: ing - ly: ing fill! a - stray. de scend;

Fa Thou Where Make Give

ther of la in Thou art the stub them vir -

the bor not, born tues

Shed thy light and bril Come in toil re - fresh And our in - most be Guide the feet that go In Thy sevn - fold gift

poor, draw near; rest most sweet, man hath naught, heart un - bend, sure re - ward

of all shad - ow good in faint, new Thy sal -

souls in free souls, joys

Giv - er Thou art Noth - ing To the Give them

gifts, be here; from the heat, deed or thought, hope ex - tend, va - tion, Lord;

Come, the Com - fort Noth - ing Wound - ed Give them

true ra - dian - cy: ad - ver - si - ty. from taint of ill. their hurt al - lay. that nev - er end.

The Vatican II Hymnal contains the complete Readings (Years A, B, & C), Sung Propers (with Latin incipit), Responsorial Psalms, Gospel Acclamations, Mass Settings for the new translation of the Roman Missal, and much more. [ ]

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