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norms/routines asking each other for help (1,2,3 before me) working with different materials not rushed,

have plenty of time norms have to do with classroom management expectations you set at the beginning of the year. dispositions (one-word expectation: respect, responsibility, etc.) or rules. how do you establish these within the first couple weeks? Arrival Routine: put jacket/backpack/lunch/away, homework in the bin. set them up to make choices the rest of the day. put up pictures of the days activity on the board, have the students gather the materials for the day. assign jobs: someone to pick up the assignment, collector, etc. choose what you want to do for the opening part of the day: free writing (choose journal topic), math stations, etc. What will do you to establish these routines? Keep it consistent. Write it on the board, repeat it orally, model. Then gradually stop modeling until its a habit for them.

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