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Ki Tisa, 2013. Ex. 30:11 34:35. This is the 21st Torah portion of this cycle.

. The significance of that number cannot be overstated in its relation to this Parsha. 21 is the value of the Name used by YHVH to introduce Himself to Moshe in Ex. 3: 14 Ehyeh, , translated, I Am. This phrase forms a sandwich around a simple Hebrew pronoun, asher; Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. As we examine the definitions of asher it provides a look into this Name and why it is connected here: I will be that I will be I will be who I will be I will be which I will be I will be where I will be This is more than just a philosophical phrasing. The emphasis of the first-person, singular, imperfect tense of this verb Ehyeh, indicates an active physical manifestation of the Creator! The description of YHVH in a physical form as the Savior and Redeemer of Israel takes on new meaning in this Parsha as the price of their redemption is depicted in the Half-Shekel of Ex. 30: 13. Shekel, #8255, sheqel, translated a unit of measure, it can infer to weigh out, as on a balance or as some translate, to suspend, as on a stake. *Note the gematria: Shin-300, Qof-100, Lamed-30 = 430. This number is instantly recognized as: the length of Israels bondage, the gematria of the word Nephesh (Soul, spirit) which is what the half-shekel ransomed and the value of the phrase tohu vabohu waste & desolate. Each of these reveals a sense of expectancy upon Creation who like Israel here, is awaiting the Word of YHVH to redeem, release and make fertile again! There is a connection to the number 20 here as well, since the shekel is worth 20 gerahs. The number 20 is written with the Hebrew letter Kaf. In Jewish mysticism the Kaf, spelled Kaf-Peh, represents both potential and actual, suggesting that the hidden power of the Kaf enables the Potential Spiritual, to become the Actual Physical. It conveys a since of expectancy, that of the spiritual being made manifest in the physical. It is also worth noting that one must be 20 (Kaf) years old to bring this shekel to the Tabernacle.


Weve learned the value of the shekel equals twenty gerahs, #1626, gerah, a unit of weight. This same word also means cud, which is the regurgitated food of a ruminate. Ironically, after the Temple was constructed the half-shekel offering was used to purchase korbonot animal sacrifices for the Whole Community. It becomes no surprise then to see the connectivity between the number 21 and the number 20. Kaf-Alef & Kaf. In fact, the 21st chapter of Torah is found at Genesis 21 where we see this mystical demonstration as the Seed or Promise of YHVH is given to Abraham and Sarah who has been barren. This Promise or Potential is actualized or manifest in the birth of Isaac! It would also seem to picture the contrast between Spiritual and Carnal. Thus, it should come as no surprise that gerah can also be rearranged to spell Hagar, #1904, Hagar, translated flight, it is better rendered as ha-the, ger-stranger, The Stranger or Sojourner. The gematria equals 208 the same as the word Isaac, the Son born of the Free-woman/spirit! 208 is also the value of a peculiar form of the word for create, #1254, , with the added Hey. It is seen only in Is. 45:18 where were told YHVH created barah the earth (not in vain) but, to be inhabited. Again, note the expectancy associated with this verb! We see this pattern in Gen. 1 where YHVH creates and then there is Tohu vbohu, waste and desolation followed by the Creation of LIGHT in order to begin the redemption. The Sages teach that when this Parsha is written that Abba shows Moshe a FIERY SHEKEL coin: The word for half, #4276, ,machatsiyth, means half, but also, noon, mid-day, the brightest part of the day, when the sun light is at its peak! When one can see themselves the best, and the physical pattern of redemption by this light can fully be embraced! Half shekel could thus be rendered: Fire/light hung upon the Stake/balance! The two-letter root stem is ChetTzade, The Tabernacle design. II. As weve discussed previously, the Tabernacle is designed in the form of a man. Please note the diagram below: [] In Ex. 30: 18 we see two of the specific articles connected to this tabernacle, the Brazen Altar and the Brazen Laver.

Is it possible these articles correspond to the physical Body of Messiah that is revealed in the Spirit? Most people can see the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon forming a rectangle pattern in our abdomen like the form of the Brazen Altar (rectangle base square top) where the sacrifice (food) is burned up for the Temple/Body. Ex. 27:1 tells us this altar is made from Shittim, #7488, shittah, (Acacia) wood. Interestingly, this particular tree had rough bark with large thorns. Shittah is from Shotet, to scourge or pierce! Does this ring a bell? The gematria of shittah equals 314, which is the same as Shuvu, translated, Return ye as in Jer. 3:14. Return ye, O backsliding childrenThis scourging altar and its sacrifice, like Messiah paves the way for our return. The Altars top was 5 cubits by 5 cubits = 25, the value of the phrase Yehi, let there belight. This Light illuminates the Way, the entrance to the courtyard, the beginning of our Return-Shuvu. Yahshua said, I am the Way, the Truth & the LifeJn. 14:6. Next, lets examine the word for altar, #4196, mizbeach, translated altar; it is from zabach, to sacrifice. However, the two-letter root stem, Zayin-Bet forms #2101, zob, zub, to flow, a discharge, and issue. The Mem prefixed indicates chaos, waters, or womb. Thus, the sacrifice upon this altar restores the Womb whose waters became unclean. Niddah! It is interesting to note the connection to scourging, one of the penalties for an adulterous bride. This again follows the pattern of Gen. 1: where we see the womb of creation tohu vbohu waste and desolate/Niddah and the Voice of YHVH declares let there be Light YEHI Ohr, The Voice or Word of YHVH takes on a physical form, light, that is offered on behalf of Creation, who returns to Him!

The Brazen Laver is the vessel next mentioned. (Ex. 30:18) Most believe it is represented in the kidneys, who when joined together form this same bowl shape their primary function being to remove impurities from the blood. Is this blood congealed light from the original Light of Gen. 1? Remember, Adam & Eve lost this light when they engage in Adultery with the Serpent. Were told this brazen vessel is created from the mirrors of the women: Ex. 38:8 which assembled [at] the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. This custom originated back in Egypt where the women wore the mirrors on their chest facing outward. These were not Levites and a clue seems to be given in 1Sam. 2:22 Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel; and how they lay with the women that assembled [at] the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. It seems these mirrors are taken from these women in order to end the practice of temple prostitution. By the way, only one vowel point separates Kodesh Holy, from Kedesh a temple prostitute. The word for mirror is also interesting: #4759, mar'ah, which means vision, a mode of revelation. It is used only once to describe a mirror. The other times, it infers Vision(s) of YHVH. (Incidentally, the Sun created from the Light was reflected by the Moon-Mirror which had no light of its own)The two-letter root of marah, MemResh, mar, means bitterness and again connects us to the bitter waters of jealousy (Numbers 5) where the adulterous bride is judged. Now, the Priests were to wash the blood/word from off their skin and the dust of the Tabernacle floor from off their feet into this great vessel, this would allow them to look into the mirror and see

either their impurities from the stain of blood, light tainted by sin or after washing enable them to see a Vision of YHVH! The Remedy before the Sin III. It is rather ironic to see YHVH mention these specific articles: The Shekel, the Altar and the Laver at this time. Yet, as we continue we see how Israel engages in Pagan Idolatry Sexual perversions during the Golden Calf incident after having these instructions given them. In each illustration weve seen how the Pattern of Eden is revisited: Adam & Eve are clothed with the Light-Fire of YHVH upon creation. A body is formed for both thus making each a half-shekel - An offering of Fire upon the Altar to YHVH! After the fall there is no offering that will satisfy only put off the debt until Messiah comes, yet the rehearsal is in place! He is our Half-Shekel and when joined we become whole. This is why the Census is implemented in order to number [by the half-shekel] all those who have been inspected and found clean and fit for an offering unto Him. Rom. 12:1-3. From this time forward, any sin or uncleanness will result in a plague, death, etc. This is why David is judged severely when he numbers the people. Someone must pay the penalty. *Note who comes to him: 1Chron. 21:9 And the LORD spake unto Gad, David's seer, saying Lets examine this. Gad, #1410, Gad, troop, to press, urge, to overcome, to invade, to penetrate, break in upon. Seer, #2374, chozeh, a prophet, a vision. *Note how similar is the root word for shekel, chatzah. In this instance, Satan pressed, urged David and compromised his vision the Half-Shekel of redemption. Where there is no vision chazown half shekel, the people Perish! At the beginning we found the shekel worth 20 gerahs making the half-shekel worth 10. Ten is the number of divine order. How apropos that the Hebrew letters from 1 10 which connect us to the Ten Commandments as well, are Alef, Bet, Gimmel, Dalet, Hey, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet & Yod. Their numeric equivalent is 55, the number associated with #3618, challah, to complete, to finish, and a Bride. How revealing that Yahshua would make this statement in John 19: 30 It is Finished. The Shekel is now made whole! The offering of Fire/Yahshua shines in the mirror the Laver of our hearts, there is no more death, no plague to fear, the blood has cleansed us, and we are Redeemed! It would also seem fitting that the House of Joseph, #3254, yacaph, more than any other, needs the benefit of this half-

shekel of redemption. It is therefore fitting that YHVH would require it to be silver, #3701, keceph. Both words have the Samech-Pey root meaning a basin or bowl like this bitter cup or brazen laver. It can also infer a threshold or doorway in order to return. The cup in fact is the way of return. The Kaf is 20 a full shekel value, remove 10 and you have the Yod in Yoseph Joseph, the Son sold for His brothers, and who like Yahshua, ransomed their lives instead!

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