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School of Education DePaul University College Supervisors Report on Visit to Observe Student Teacher

Student Teacher Visited: Jessica Kevan 2:00 p.m. Visit no.: 1 School: CICS- Bucktown Date: 3/21/11 Time:

Teacher: Ms. Haney YES YES NO NO

Did you observe the student teacher in an actual teaching environment? In either case, in what activities was the student teacher engaged?

Birds-A Multimedia Exploration Did you have an opportunity to confer with the supervising teacher? Did you have an opportunity to confer with the student teacher? YES YES NO NO

TO THE STUDENT TEACHER: Good afternoon Ms. Kevan! I am thrilled to be visiting your classroom of 3rd/4th graders. You began you lesson by grabbing the students attention with their prior knowledge. The students were very engaged and anxious to participate. The students were chatting in groups and instead of hollering out that you wanted their attention try an attention grabbing technique- such as If you can hear me, clap once, ring a bell/chime, or simply use a timer so that when it goes off the students know they are to be back with their attention on you. I like the way you used technology to chart the types of birds and characteristics of birds and also to show the web cam from Monterrey Bay Zoo. You did a great job during your read aloud. I like the way you interjected with questions and also allowed the students to activate their own experiences about birds in the city. You also used positive reinforcement once the students transitioned to their seats from the rug. Great strategy. This was a great first lesson! Keep up the good work.

TO THE CLASSROOM SUPERVISING TEACHER Good afternoon Ms. Haney! I am so excited to be visiting your classroom. I noticed immediately how well organized it is. Thank you for working with Ms. Kevan this quarter. I look forward to making another visit in 2 weeks.

(Note: Copies of this completed form should be provided to (1) the student teacher; (2) the cooperating teacher; (3) the Student Teaching Office at DePaul University; and (4) retained in the university supervisors file)

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