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Innovative ideas for teaching learning process

1) Multimedia- It consist of various digital methods like text, images, audio, and video into an integrated interactive application so as to convey knowledge to the students. Teacher uses it to modify the contents of the lesson. Teacher can make use of audio visual room and tablets. 2) Teaching with a sense of humor-It is an effective medium of teaching. Teaching and learning is a challenge. But being humoros is more challenging. It strengthens the relationship between a student and a teacher. It reduces the tension and stress, relax and create a happy environment. Teacher can use story books, comics, or a book of jokes. The student should be encouraged to collect various materials. 3) Z to A Approach- It helps to explain a particular concept in a particular way. If we want good result always motivate the students like tell them about rewards and prizes. Here the mention of rewards and prizes motivates the child and then the hard work matters and we get better results. Treat the child with respect. The students develop a feeling of competition in their minds and develop interest towards the studies. If a child takes part in any activity and when the child wins any of the activity the classmates feel that they too should take part. 4) Use of models, picture chart, concrete object- It helps a child to understand the lesson concept more clearly. If these things are given in the hands of the students they feel very happy here teachers half work of motivation is complete. We can ask the child to collect pictures from old magazines or newspaper. We can take the help of students to bring their own toys as per the requirement of the lesson and also the concrete things. 5) Use of mobile phones-If we have down loaded Q uran and its translation in mobile phone while teaching diniyat we can use it as a suitable source of teaching Surah with maqraj with the help of mobile speaker. It helps the students to understand the verses clearly.

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