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Types of media Programmes and peogle News programmes The sound-bice and the photo-opportumty The TV diet Tho ratings barebe Zapping TV violence ‘Moltimedia and virtua reality The press . Ladies and gentlemen of the press Gossip and the glitterati Suing for Hel Gagaging the press Political correctness The campaign trail The campaign platform Winstlestop tours and spin doctors See The sleaze factor Dirty tricks Polls and pollsters Trailing or riding high? Headlines Shares and the stock marker Boll markets and bear markets Trading on the stac change Market movements 1 Ways of working Benefits and headhunters Discrimination at work Getting the sack Redundancy eee Casting your ballot Getting clected Knocked out in the first round Electoral fraud Election resules ‘Throwing the incumbents out Absolute majorities and fh padiamencs Rainbow coalitions and political horse-trading Market movements 2 Record highs and record lows Boom, recession and depression, People Corporate conflict Oe Redundancy pay Jobless and on the dole Industrial action Strike paralysis Scrike escalation Honeymoons, lame ducks and the political wil Grassroors support and vores of confidence Undemocratie regimes Toppling governmenrs Unrest Rioting and looting, Rapressive measures 4 Scandal and wrongdoing ‘The bottom line Sick companies ing bust cy Pickets, seals and blacklegs Calling i off Welfare Dismantling the welfare seate Cracking down on seron gers Joyriding and carjacking Making a getaway Facing robb: ks, and calks about talks Delegates, opposite numbers and sherpas indial and fiendly, or ke? Cuinpronuse and deadlock ssinesslake ar Low-brow to high-brow Entertainers, artists, impresarios uid show business Performance and performers Premieres, debuts and revivals Sell outs and empty houses Players, playing fields, goalposts and own goals Professional fouls and the Berg arreste Awainng cial ‘The indictment and the charges Legal cagles Pi Guilty Wi .esses and their testimony Brinkmanship Breakthroughs, deals, accords and agreements Strained relations Warand threats of war Warring part White Way Tinseltown locations Megastars and starlets Blox sleepers Films buffs and cule movies juccurs and others Mogul Favourites, front runners and stalking horses Track records Awhole new ball-game Acquittal Conviction Appeals Capital panishmene Pitan koe 157 Fighting Casualcies Victims of war Ending the bloodshed The peace process tere eseet note ar ror Fiction, faction and other genres Editors, publishers, agents and ghosts Reviewers and literary erities ‘The gliccering prizes Are collections and exhibitions art market See Bd Bodyblows and knockouts Gambits, stalemate and the endgame FFE > Index of Key Words 239 245 _< {| The Media Types of media News and entertainment are communicated ina number of different ways, using different media, The media include print media such as newspapers and magazines, and electronic media such as radio and television media mass media print media electronic media news media The word med: most often used to refer to the communication of news, and in this context mcans the same as news media. entertainment 782 || Media and mass media are often used when discussing the power of modern communications. @ LANGUAGENOTE Media can be singular or plural, Mass media is also spelt with a hyphen, It is difficult for the media to cover the growing number of crises throughout the world. You in the media are ali part of a powerful industry, That power can be used destructively or constructively impersonal contact through print media and television. For the book's main character, withdrawal is the only means of escape from the crowd, from group- think, fron the mass media. The documentary should be required study forall students of mass-media communications, becasise it illustrates to perfection the way in which illustrations of man’s inhumanity to man can mislead public opinion. The White House has announced that they normally will nos let any member of the news media report on what is going to he in the speech sentil the president actually delivers it. Belief systems and older cultures expire under a weight of more or less trivial information conveyed by an all-pervasive electronic media, 1 Media partners 1. Look at the extracts and then complete the tasks by combining the word ‘media’ with the other words in the box below the numbered questions. After waiting weeks jora day when it would get maxinuin media exposure, the Labour Party launched its new policies for industry on February 25th — just as the Gulf War got going. The trial of Bruno Hauptmann for the 1932 kidnapping of aviator Charles Lindbergh's baby attracted media attention unlike any seen before

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