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CGC 1D1 Demography Key Terms

Demography: the study of population numbers, distribution, trends, and issues. It is used to study the flow, development and movement of people. Birth rate: the number of births per 1000 people. Birth rate (%) = # births per year x 1000 Population Death rate: the number of deaths per 1000 people. Death rate (%) = # deaths per year x 1000 population Natural increase rate: the difference between the birth rate and the death rate of a country. Natural Increase Rate (%) = birth rate death rate

Migration: the movement of large numbers of people from one place to another. Emigration: to EXIT your country of origin to live permanently in another country. Emigration rate: the number of people per 1000 population in one year who emigrate. Emigration rate (%) = # emigrants per year x 1000 population

Immigrate: to move permanently INTO a country other than ones native country. Immigration rate: the number of new Canadians who have immigrated here from another country per 1000 people of Canadas population. Immigration (%) = # immigrants per year x 1000 population

** Exit before Into: a person emigrates from their native country to immigrate into another.**

Net Migration rate: the difference between people immigrating to a country and emigrating from the same country. Net Migration Rate (%) = immigration rate emigration rate

Population growth rate: the measurement which combines both the natural increase and net migration to calculate the overall growth of a countrys population. Population Growth Rate (%) = (Natural Increase Rate + Net Migration Rate) x 1000

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