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Anthem Character Description Assignment Describe each of the following characters and his/her role, problem, and relationship

to the protagonist and his/her importance in the novel. You may submit a hard copy or email to For example: The Saint of the pyre -- This character appears only in the memories of Equality 7-2521, and his given name is not known. At the age of 10, Equality 7-2521 witnessed him being burned at the stake. His crime was discovering the Unspeakable Word, which Equality 7-2521 also discovers at the end of the story. Alternate character names: This character is also referred to as the Transgressor. 1. Alliance 6-7349 2. Collective 0-0009 3. Democracy 4-6998 4. Equality 7-2521 5. Fraternity 2-5503 6. Fraternity 9-3452 7. Harmony 9-2642 8. International 1-5537 9. International 4-8818 10. Liberty 5-3000 11. Similarity 5-0306 12. Solidarity 9-6347 13. The Council of the Home 14. The Council of Vocations 15. The Evil Ones 16. The Golden One 17. The Judges 18. The World Council 19. The World Council of Scholars 20. Unanimity 2-9913 21. Unanimity 7-3304 22. Union 5-3992

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