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If you were to lay out the basic principles for manifesting, what would they be?


1. Decide what you REALLY want. 2. Check to see if obtaining that are in harmony of non interference. 3. Choose a prayer picture where you see that you already have the item. Do not micrromanage the process. Trust that the higher powers know what they are doing. You do not want to micro manage the manifestation process in directions that may not take your lifepath in directions that may not serve your highest good. 4. Try to select a prayer picture that evokes emotion from the unihipili. 5. Do Ha rites daily, and ALWAYS use the same prayer picture. If you change your mind and want something else; your 'Aumakua has to undo everything it has already done toward the manifestation of what you said you wanted in the first place. 6. be sincere and humble, and after you finish the Ha rite; thank the higher powers for their help. quote: And, what are some simple practices that beginners can do to build their confidence in manifesting? quote:

Use the Ha rite as described above, and try to manifest SMALL goals. 1. Arranging a convenient parking place at the store. 2. Ask the higher powers to manifest a breeze. 3. Ask the higher higher powers to make a hole in a specific cloud. 4. Direct mana at a candle flame and try to get the candle to flicker. 5. When the kids are fighting generate a mana surcharge, and ask the 'Aumakua to ramp it up to mana loa with the intent that everything return to the state of harmony (the highest good for all concerned) and throw the ball of mana loa into the midst of the fight, and watch what happens. 6. Generate a ha rite, and ask that you find coins on the side walk. And other small goals.

When you unihipili see these small goals manifest; thank your 'Aumakua and unihipili for their help. Over time of seeing small goals manifest; your unihipili; it will develop confidence (or faith) in the processl then watch out world; we have another kahuna in training and gradually on the path to god realization. The MOST IMPORTANT thing I can use as a last word here is ALWAYS BE HUMBLE; AND THANKFUL FOR THE BLESSINGS YOU RECEIVE. ANL - 2B Mahalo nui loa, Tommy

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