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Third article-Are People Naturally Generous?

This article tells us are people naturally generous ,are we still having generous people in this world and examples of some generous acts.

Human beings will innately be kind, the way water allowed to run its course will always f low downhill. MENCIUS11 making beds, counseling, and praying with fire fighters, construction workers, police, and others. People volunteered a variety of skills and talents, including massage, chiropractic care, podiatry, counseling, and music, in an effort to aid their fellow citizens in a great time of need.

A sociological study of love and compassionate service at Ground Zero finds a variety of types of strengths experienced because of the exchange of loving behavior shared at this site:the power of love to inspire an offering of service; the power of love to conquer the fear and horror of Ground Zero,enabling compassionate self-offering despite self-concerns; the power of love to create; the power of love to bless; the power of love to unite humanity with one another; the power of love to unite humanity with unlimited love; the power of love to enlighten; and the power of visionary love. The researcher notes the data exhibit a hopeful glimpse of our potential as a species for altruism and harmony.

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